Archive for "New Haven Job Corps Center"

New Haven Job Corps Student Job Shadow

The Groundhog may have seen his shadow, but the New Haven Job Corps Students saw opportunity with shadowing various different trades in their related fields. The Culinary Arts students (photos attached) learned a lot job shadowing the cafeteria at the Connecticut...

New Haven Job Corps Students Have A Dream

New Haven Job Corps Students have a dream about their future, and they shared that dream with hundreds of community members, organizations, and schools in downtown New Haven that participated in an event which was a tribute to the Rev. Martin Luther King who 50 years...

New Haven Job Corps Students Walk for Autism

New Haven Job Corps Center C.N.A. students made a difference by holding a fundraiser realizing over $700 for students for attending the Connecticut Center for Child Development (CCCD) by holding a fundraiser to raise awareness for Autism.  Since its establishment as a...

New Haven Job Corps Center Educates on Safety

The month of June saw the arrival of Universal Safety Month, and kicking off the awareness program, the Culinary Arts students presented a food safety program at a student assembly.  Students demonstrated, with audience participation an interactive educational piece...

New Haven Job Corps Students Help Olympians

A New Haven Job Corps Transportation Department driver drove that extra mile towards helping others. Anna Killian took ten students to volunteer at the Special Olympic Summer Games held at Southern CT University just down the street from the New Haven Job Corps...

New Haven Job Corps Students Hold Food Drive

The Student Government Association of the New Haven Job Corps Center held a canned and non-perishable food drive for two local food pantries.  Staff at the Center were able to “dress down” to business casual on Fridays, by bringing in at least three non-perishable...