New Haven Job Corps Student Job Shadow

New Haven Job Corps Student Job Shadow

The Groundhog may have seen his shadow, but the New Haven Job Corps Students saw opportunity with shadowing various different trades in their related fields. The Culinary Arts students (photos attached) learned a lot job shadowing the cafeteria at the Connecticut Department of Labor who sponsored both the New Haven Job Corps and Hartford Job Corps Centers students who shadowed various departments within the CT DOL. Nico Dyer, Culinary Arts student exclaimed”, “This is a blast. . . I don’t want to leave!” Nico joined fellow students with a hands-on experience preparing lunch in the cafeteria that serves 500 employees at the CT DOL. Students also benefited from a workshop conducted by CT DOL employees highlighting the decision making process making students aware of how many decisions are made during the course of their day. The New Haven Job Corps Center students get hands on experience in the Connecticut Department of Labor Cafeteria. Culinary Arts Student Nico Dyer prepares a Caesar Salad under the direction of the CTDOL Café staff CT COL Commissioner Sharon Palmer chats with Facility Maintenance students Brandon Kersten and Raheem Parchment Leichla Lebron, Culinary Arts student at the New Haven Job Corps Center and team mates, Facility Maintenance students, Paul Nassef, William Vines, and Austin Garland look on as she explains the different decisions that are made throughout the course of a typical day at Job Corps.