New Haven Job Corps Center Students Spread Good Will
Tags: Christmas Cards | Christmas Carols | Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year | Job Corps | New Haven Job Corps Center | VA Hospital

New Haven Job Corps Center Students Spread Good Will

“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”, when students at the New Haven Job Corps Center come caroling!  Students from all six trades participated in good will this holiday season by caroling at a local senior residential care living facility where residents joined in song.  After their performance, students handed out cookies, with both regular and diabetic diets in mind. made by the Culinary Arts students, and handmade Christmas cards crafted by NHJCC students.

 “Our students just love to give back, and we encourage them to do so”, said Mr. Kevin Green, Career Technical Trade Manager of the New Haven Job Corps Center who led the group in song.

“Any opportunity we can find to give back to our community is a great opportunity for our students to grow as individuals”. Echoed Renee Venturino, Business and Community Liaison for the Center.  “Our students absolutely thrive when they give back. . .it’s so energizing!”

 NHJCC students donning Santa hats also visited the local Veteran’s Administration Hospital to distribute individually wrapped plates of holiday cookies prepared by the Culinary Arts students including over 300 holiday cards signed by the NHJCC students to those at the VA Hospital in both English and Spanish.