New Haven Job Corps Center C.N.A. students made a difference by holding a fundraiser realizing over $700 for students for attending the Connecticut Center for Child Development (CCCD) by holding a fundraiser to raise awareness for Autism.
Since its establishment as a private, non-profit organization 1n 1995, The Connecticut Center for Child Development (CCCD) has provided a continuum of services for individuals with Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, and related disorders, and other co-occurring disorders. Their mission is to improve the lives of individuals with autism and related disorders and the lives of their families by enabling them to become active participants and conntributing members within their families and communities.
Students were passionate about their cause, and their passion was contagious, as Facility Maintenance students became engaged in assisting by hand cutting puzzle pieces, painting, and affixing pins to sell as part of the fundraiser. The SGA donated a “dunk tank” for the fun day. Staff donated to “dress down” on Fridays. Students also sold wristbands and designed T-Shirts to sell during the month of June. Students and staff walked the mile long perimeter of the New Haven Job Corps Center. Safety conscious Facilities Maintenance students wore reflective vests at the beginning and end of the walk, followed by the transportation department. Security Manger Daryle Breland also walked enforcing safety. The event ended with a mini “fun day” for students and their families to participate in various games while C.N.A. students staffed the refreshment stand.