“It’s community service. We like to do what we can to help the city…”
Business Technologies Student Rings the Bell of Success at Northlands Job Corps
“I’m looking forward to advancing my learning and seeing other places,” Nicholle said after filling the campus with some good, loud bell clanging. “It’s also going to open me up to more job opportunities…”
Northlands Urban Forestry Students Serve Their Community Well
“I can’t say enough good things about them,” says Rey Godard, committee member for the cemetery association. “The students do a real first-rate job…”
Northlands Looks Back on a World Record
More than 20 years ago, on a cool November day in Vergennes, Vermont, the students of Northlands Job Corps Academy did something extraordinary. They baked a loaf of bread…
Northlands Job Corps Student Makes a Special Visit to Senator Bernie Sanders’ Office
Northlands welding student Steven Holbrook got the opportunity to spend a day recently with the staff of US Senator Bernie Sanders at his Burlington, Vermont office…
Northlands Job Corps Student Spends Day at Congressman Welch’s Office
Ashley Darby from Mendon, Vermont was very excited to be selected as one of two Northlands students to take part in Mentor a Job Corps Student Day last week…
Northlands Job Corps, a Shady Spot on Middle School Bike Trip
Two weeks after 90 students from the Vergennes Middle School’s 7th grade class toured the Northlands campus, they stopped by again…
Northlands Job Corps Remembers and Honors Others
Northlands students have come out in force to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country…
Northlands Student Dedicated to Helping Others
Hannah Williams is driven to make a difference. “I like to help people,” she says simply. But Hannah just doesn’t talk, she gets involved…
Cutting Out Soda Is Just Part of Northlands’ Healthy-Eating Initiative
What happens when you serve 280 16 to 24-year-old students three meals a day, and suddenly remove all soda machines from the cafeteria?…
Students and Staff Collaborate on Northlands Memorial Day Parade Float
Billed as the largest Memorial Day parade in the state of Vermont, the Vergennes parade will once again feature a float created by Northlands Job Corps Academy students and staff…
Bell of Success Rings for Another Northlands Student Headed to Advanced Training
Northlands Job Corps Academy Culinary student Cindy Garcia grabbed hold of the rope and pulled hard – but there was nothing. “Pull harder,” came the yell from those gathered. She reached higher on the rope and pulled again, but still nothing…
Northlands Works With Its Community to Benefit Staff & Students
Northlands Job Corps Academy in Vermont was honored to have Vergennes Police Chief George Merkel and his dog Akita come to campus to help train staff on safety issues. Chief Merkel focused much of his talk on ensuring Northlands...
Campus Cleanup and a Bar-B-Q at Northlands
Spring cleaning was in the air at Northlands as students and staff got involved in beautifying the 66-acre center…
Northlands Urban Forestry Students Beautify Campus
A beautiful spring day in Vermont is an ideal time for Urban Forestry students to attend to the many trees on the Northlands Job Corps Academy campus…
Northlands Students Make Earth Day Every Day
The Northlands Job Corps Academy group Ladies of Success has taken the “Make Earth Day Every Day” pledge to heart…
Northlands Students and Staff Honored by the United Way
The United Way of Addison County, Vermont recognized Northlands Job Corps Academy for its unique and innovative campaign support…
Northlands Student: “I’m Ready”
“All my life I’ve heard ‘You can’t do that – you’re a girl,’ and all my life I’ve proved them wrong.”
Northlands Job Corps Artistic Global Youth Service Day Project
“We both love art and enjoy painting, so this is perfect…”
Northlands’ SGA Tours the Vermont State Capitol
Members of Northlands’ Student Government Association traveled to the Vermont State Capitol in Montpelier Friday to see firsthand how legislators conduct the people’s business…