Archive for "Sacramento Job Corps Center"

Sacramento Job Corps Safety Fair

Sacramento Job Corps will mark National Safety Month with its safety fair on Wednesday, June 6, 2011. The third annual event, from 12:30 p.m.  to 3:15 p.m. at the Job Corps Center, 3100 Meadowview Road in Sacramento, will emphasize the safety habits young workers need...

Sacramento Job Corps Spring 2011 Graduation

Vice Mayor, Sacramento City Council Bonnie Pannell was present and was a part of the exercise by welcoming everyone to SJCC spring 2011 graduation. The speaker was Frank Withrow who is a poet, retired educator and motivator. He was born in Washington D.C. He went to...

Vang gets WBL achievement award

Culinary Arts student Chue Vang has received the achievement award for work-based learning in the Culinary Arts Program. Vang completed his work-based learning internship at CalPers, operated by Sodexo/Magic, and was hired there as a Sodexo/Magic employee after...

Cement Masonry students build Round-A-Bout

Ten students and a staff member from Cement Masonry pitched in to beautify the South Sacramento area with a project to build a Round-ABout at Scarborough and Alott streets. The two-day project, sponsored by Councilwoman Bonnie Pannell’s office, took place June 24 and...

Cement Masonry students build Round-A-Bout

Ten students and a staff member from Cement Masonry pitched in to beautify the South Sacramento area with a project to build a Round-ABout at Scarborough and Alott streets. The two-day project, sponsored by Councilwoman Bonnie Pannell’s office, took place June 24 and...

Sacramento Job Corps Goes Green

Students at SJCC are training on several GREEN projects that are design to enhance their career opportunities on the green technologies/construction market and set them on a path of conscious energy conservation and green thinking attitude. Some of the projects are...