On Friday, January 29, 2015 the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center held their graduation commencement ceremony. A total of twenty six students proudly walked the stage to receive their well-earned diplomas. Student graduate speaker was Rhianna Godfrey and the guest speaker...
Muhlenberg Y2Y Ambassadors attend National Conference
In January, two Muhlenberg Job Corps Ambassadors were chosen to attend the National Youth 2 Youth (Y2Y) Listen and Learn Session with the National Director of Job Corps, Lenita Jacob-Simmons. Students Kassie Hartman and Elizabeth Jones were involved in...
Muhlenberg Job Corps students Volunteer for National Guard Event
The Muhlenberg Job Corps students were called upon at last minute to assist with the National Guard holiday party. The students were desperately needed to assist with the children’s program portion of the party. Eight volunteers immediately stepped up to assist during...
Muhlenberg Job Corps – KY OA/CTS hosts Retention Party
On Thursday, December 10th, 2015, Kentucky Job Corps Career Transition Specialists, LaToukie Roberson and Jennifer Syers-Ford, held a retention party with all Kentucky students at the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center. CTS staff and students played several rounds of Bingo...
Muhlenberg Job Corps – A Spark to a Flame
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center welding class is one of many talents. The administrator of the City of Greenville recently requested the trade to build a fire pit from scratch. Student Spencer Phillips, who is the class foreman, with no hesitation jumped at the...
Muhlenberg Job Corps – Diamond Diva’s participate in local parade
Tis the Season! The Muhlenberg Job Corps Centers Diamond Diva Dance Team participated in the Greenville Christmas parade on Saturday, December 5th, 2015. Throughout the parade route they performed a mystical dance to “All I want for Christmas Is You” and was a huge...
Muhlenberg Job Corps SGA Sponsors Men In Black Event
On Wednesday, December 2nd, the Muhlenberg Job Corps Student Government Association held their annual Men in Black event. This is an event where powerful and inspiring words are shared from prominent leaders acknowledging the true meaning of being “a man.” Center...
Muhlenberg Job Corps students obtain Commercial Drivers License
Muhlenberg Job Corps is proud to brag on two current students, Danielle Kelly (from Phoenix City, Alabama) and Alex Chatman (from Jackson, Mississippi). They both recently passed their Commercial Driver License (Class B) exam! Kelly is a female in a non-traditional...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Collecting for a Cause
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center Health Career trades hosted a blood drive for the American Red Cross on Wednesday, November 11, 2015. This is a blood drive that is not open to the public, but for student and staff participation only. Students who are enrolled in the...
Muhlenberg Job Corps – Work Based Learning with Chamber
Muhlenberg Job Corps - Work Based Learning Success Story Ezra Taylor is a recent graduate of the Muhlenberg Job Corps program who completed a work-based learning assignment at the Greater Muhlenberg County Chamber of Commerce. Taylor completed the medical office...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Success Story -Miles to Success
Ricky Lofton is no stranger to the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center. Lofton is a former graduate success story who completed the Commercial Drivers License (CDL) trade in 2012. Lofton now owns his own truck and recently stopped by the center to show current students in the...
Muhlenberg JCC hosts NOH8/Y2Y 5K Color Fun Run
MJCC hosts NOH8/Y2Y 5K Color Fun Run The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center NOH8/Youth 2 Youth Club sponsored a 5K Color Fun Run at the Center on Saturday, October 24, 2015. This organization is student driven for anti-bullying awareness and support to all against violence...
Muhlenberg Staff Leadership donates to Pathway of Hope
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center continues to develop innovative ways to enhance professional growth opportunities for staff. Recently, seven staff were accepted into the MJCC Staff Leadership Program who strive to excel in supervisory and management positions. Each...
Muhlenberg Job Corps students volunteer to “Run the Pups”
On Saturday, October 24, 2015, the Muhlenberg County Humane Society sponsored a 5K Dog Run/Walk fundraising event to help support the needs of their furry occupants. The event raised a total of $600 and also made the community aware of the many adorable pets available...
Muhlenberg Job Corps & Law Enforcement Officers go for the Net
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center men’s basketball team is currently gearing up for the spring championship tournament. On Tuesday, October 20, 2015, the team was excited to display their talent during a friendly game against the local law enforcement officers. The...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Students volunteer Long Chapel Restoration
Two welding students from the Muhlenberg Job Corps are among 11 Job Corps students who are spending two weeks in Virginia completing Phase II of the Long’s Chapel Restoration Project. Other students represent the Charleston and Carl D. Perkins Job Corps centers. The...
Muhlenberg participates in 5K event for Law Enforcement
Friday, October 16, 2015, was an evening where many Muhlenberg County citizens came together to recognize and support local law enforcement officers. A special prayer ceremony was held at 6 pm and was conducted by Muhlenberg County Sheriff, Curtis McGehee. Following,...
Kentucky Job Corps Extravaganza
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center (MJCC) along with all seven Kentucky Job Corps Center’s participated in the Kentucky Job Corps Extravaganza recruitment fair. The event sponsored by the Kentucky Outreach and Admissions/CTS providers and was held at the Owensboro Sports...
Muhlenberg Job Corps supports Happy Feet
Happy Feet 5K Glow Run It is that time of year again when the MJCC staff and students slip on their tennis shoes to get motivated for a purpose! On Friday, September 18, 2015, twenty students and eight staff participated in the Happy Feet 5K Glow Run/Walk event. The...
Muhlenberg Job Corps “Blocking the HATE”
On Tuesday, September 15, 2015, the Y2Y student ambassadors, S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violence Everywhere) Club and staff participated in a day of “BLOCK THE HATE!” Staff and students were given colorful ‘hate blockers’ aka sunglasses with peace signs covering the...