Archive for "Muhlenberg Job Corps Center"

Muhlenberg Job Corps – A Spark to a Flame

The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center welding class is one of many talents. The administrator of the City of Greenville recently requested the trade to build a fire pit from scratch. Student Spencer Phillips, who is the class foreman, with no hesitation jumped at the...

Muhlenberg Job Corps Collecting for a Cause

The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center Health Career trades hosted a blood drive for the American Red Cross on Wednesday, November 11, 2015. This is a blood drive that is not open to the public, but for student and staff participation only. Students who are enrolled in the...

Kentucky Job Corps Extravaganza

The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center (MJCC) along with all seven Kentucky Job Corps Center’s participated in the Kentucky Job Corps Extravaganza recruitment fair. The event sponsored by the Kentucky Outreach and Admissions/CTS providers and was held at the Owensboro Sports...

Muhlenberg Job Corps supports Happy Feet

Happy Feet 5K Glow Run It is that time of year again when the MJCC staff and students slip on their tennis shoes to get motivated for a purpose! On Friday, September 18, 2015, twenty students and eight staff participated in the Happy Feet 5K Glow Run/Walk event. The...

Muhlenberg Job Corps “Blocking the HATE”

On Tuesday, September 15, 2015, the Y2Y student ambassadors,  S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violence Everywhere) Club and staff participated in a day of “BLOCK THE HATE!”  Staff and students were given colorful ‘hate blockers’ aka sunglasses with peace signs covering the...