Muhlenberg Staff Leadership donates to Pathway of Hope
Tags: Horizons Youth Services | Muhlenberg job Corps Center

Muhlenberg Staff Leadership donates to Pathway of Hope

The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center continues to develop innovative ways to enhance professional growth opportunities for staff. Recently, seven staff were accepted into the MJCC Staff Leadership Program who strive to excel in supervisory and management positions. Each month they attend training segments conducted by members of the Senior Management team and Horizons’ Youth Services corporate support staff.

During the month of October, training was conducted by Karen Robinson, Business Community Liaison. Robinson challenged the group to conduct a community service project and the team leaped at the opportunity to assist the local Pathway of Hope non-profit organization. The staff distributed collection boxes throughout the community to collect baby items. On Friday, October 23, 2015 the group hosted a community baby shower at Second Baptist Church for the organization and were able to collect a plethora of items that will be very beneficial to a new mother and her infant.

The Pathway of Hope Foundation is a Christ-centered, pro-life facility designed to counsel girls and young women on the devastating effects of abortion. The facility offers counseling sessions and access to numerous infant supplies for free. The foundation has been organized by Diana Anderson since 2005. Anderson stated, “The leadership team was such a blessing to Pathway of Hope’s families. They will never know this side of Heaven the lives they have touched through their donation.”

The MJCC staff leadership team was very proud to choose Pathway of Hope for their community service project.