Muhlenberg Job Corps SGA Sponsors Men In Black Event
Tags: Horizons Youth Services | Muhlenberg job Corps Center

Muhlenberg Job Corps SGA Sponsors Men In Black Event

On Wednesday, December 2nd, the Muhlenberg Job Corps Student Government Association held their annual Men in Black event. This is an event where powerful and inspiring words are shared from prominent leaders acknowledging the true meaning of being “a man.”

Center Director, Eric Jones, shared events that have occurred in his life which motivated him to be the type person that was absent from his life. His events encouraged him to be a better father to his children, a better husband to his wife, and a prominent leader and educator to young adults.

Following the encouraging words from the Center Director, student speaker Cody Pardue brought forth motivational scripture very fitting for the evening. Pardue stated, “By having faith you can move mountains, not only spiritually, but professionally.” He read from the book of Corinthians and said, “For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when countless cones, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childlike behind me. When you become a man, you can no longer do things your younger brother would do. That is not a man. It is now time for each one here today to own up to the man title they claim to hold.”

The honored guest speaker was Robert Clemons, who is a Kentucky State Police Officer, Drug & Alcohol Clinician, and also conducts security at Madisonville Baptist Health hospital. Clemons stated that the scripture that student Pardue just shared, was the foundation of his life changing moment. Clemons stated, “You have enrolled into the Muhlenberg Job Corps program for a reason. You are definitely at a cross roads, you can no longer live the way you use to live. The opportunities of the program are endless. I’m sure plenty of you have been told repeatedly that you are worth nothing and that you’ll be nothing in life. The staff of MJCC are betting on you, they are investing in you, and that means that you are definitely worth it. Your success and future, depends on you taking that step to becoming a true man. Don’t waste this free change, be thankful for this opportunity to become a better self.”

The center would like to thank all of the guest speakers for their encouraging words shared with the men of the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center. The banquet closed with refreshments served by the Student Government Association.