Archive for "Sacramento Job Corps Center"

SJCC Wellness Center hosted Blood drive

SJCC Wellness Center hosted Blood drive on center. BloodSource provided two coaches on center and there were 96 volunteers that signed up for the drive and 66 units of blood was donated to BloodSource. This has been the most volunteers from Job Corps to donate to...

Outreach at Summer Concert Series

Sacramento City Council District 8 Annual Summer Concert Series sponsored by Council Member Bonnie Pannell at Pollack Park. This is the third concert of the summer, where some of the events included a live music by Capital City Band and different vendors and games for...

Outreach at Summer Concert Series

Sacramento City Council District 8 Annual Summer Concert Series sponsored by Council Member Bonnie Pannell at Cabrillo Park. This is the third concert of the summer, where some of the events included a live band Aftershock and different vendors and games for kids....

Annual Safety Fair held on Center

On June 15, 2012 The Annual Safety Fair was held on center, MADD (Mother's Against Destructive Decisions) along with California Highway Patrol presented to students regarding destructive decisions. A presentations was  done on a students driving and how the accident...

SJCC Students hired for employment

Four students hired on from May 20th through June 1, 2012. Derail Seward has accepted employment with Enterprise Rent a Car at the Sacramento International Airport. Cyrus Stokes has accepted employment with the Sacramento International Airport as Cashier for the...

SJCC hosts Community Voter Forum

SJCC hosted Meadowview/ South Sacramento Community Voter Forum on Center. This event gave the community a chance to meet the candidates for City Council for District 8 Council Member Bonnie Pannell and person in the race against her former NAACP President Betty...

Capital City Classic Basketball Tournament

SJCC hosted the annual Capital City Classic Basketball Tournament on April 28th and April 29th. The Job Corps teams that participated were Tucson JC, Los Angeles JC, Treasure Island JC, San Jose JC, Nevada Reno JC  and Sacramento JC along with the Pacific Islanders...

SJCC Earth Day event on center

SJCC held there annual Earth Day event today, staff and students participated in planting trees, flowers and put down bart in flower beds through out the center. All staff and students had Earth Day everyday T-shirts on as everyone participated in a different areas on...

Global Youth Service Day event

"Feed the Hunger Campaign" was part of the National Global Youth Service Day event for Sacramento Job Corps and Sodexo which partner in a community service on April 18, 2012.  Sodexo General Manager, Chef (Woody) Sherwood Coleman, Center Director, Erica Evans and 17...

New CTT programs offers students more options

SJCC now offers two new career technical training programs, and has expanded another to offer students new career options and to more closely align its programs with labor market statistics that show growing demand for employees in the health care fields. The center...

Black Expo Job Readiness Fair – 2/25/2012

  Northern California Outreach and Admissions attended the Black Expo Job Readiness Fair that was held at the South Sacramento Christian Church. This event included community partners and businesses such as Anthem Blue Cross and independent restaurants and barbershop...

Television program “America Graduate”

  Sacramento Job Corps Center was part of a television program “America Graduate ” aired on KVIE Channel 6 on March 8, 2012 @ 7:00pm. The program featured the various career technical training programs offered at SJCC as well as others vocational training for young...