Archive for "Muhlenberg Job Corps Center"

Muhlenberg Job Corps Hold Blood Drive

Muhlenberg Job Corps Health Advocates hosted a Blood Drive in conjunction with the American Red Cross.  Fifty six pints of blood were donated by students and staff at the Job Corps center.  Muhlenberg holds four Blood Drives each year and donates over 200 pints of...

Muhlenberg Job Corps Hosts Easter Egg Hunt

The Muhlenberg Job Corps recreation leaders and military club hosted the Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt for over 250 participants.  Plastic eggs filled with candy and a few "prize eggs" were hidden on the Muhlenberg campus for the eager egg hunters.  Participants...

Muhlenberg Job Corps Grads Soaring High

Three former MCDC students are soaring high in the employment world after their Job Corps graduation.  Sean Anderson completed the Job Corps program in February 2012 after 15 months at Muhlenberg. He entered the Job Corps program with his GED and completed heavy...

Muhlenberg Job Corps Students Build Lake

Giving back to the community has been a part of the Job Corps program ever since its inception at the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center in 1974.  Giving back to a community, partnered with learning essential job skills is an even better proposition.  Henderson County...

Muhlenberg Job Corps Becomes Smoke Free Center

As of January 1, 2013 the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center became a smoke free and tobacco free campus. Center Director, Kenny Brown announced to the students early in 2012 the campus would become smoke free in 2013.  Plans were made throughout 2012 to help the students,...

Muhlenberg Job Corps Men In Black Banquet

"What does it take to be a man?" was the question posed by Jesse Varner, to the male students at the Muhlenberg Job Corps.  Varner, a former Student Personnel manager at the Great Onyx Job Corps, spoke to the students during the Men in Black banquet.  The banquet is...