Archive for "Cleveland Job Corps Center"

Cleveland Job Corps Student Success Story

Meet... Steve Moore Age: 20 Hometown: Akron, OH Center: Cleveland Job Corps Career Area: Home Builders Institute Building Construction Technology Job Corps Dates: 01/03/18 - 01/30/19 Employer: Finch Group           Position: Maintenance After earning certifications in...

Cleveland Job Corps Student Success Story

Meet... Destiny Penny Mann Age: 19 Hometown: Akron, Ohio Center: Cleveland Job Corps Career Area: Nursing Assistant Job Corps Dates: 05/07/18 - 01/10/19 Employer: Ohio Living Rockynol       Position: State Tested Nursing Assistant Armed with determination and drive to...

Cleveland Job Corps Student Success Story

After graduating from Logan High School in 2017, David Brindley didn't know what career he wanted to pursue so he decided to move to the Cleveland area for more employment opportunities. His brother, Adam Brindley, graduated in 2018 from the Earl C. Clemons Job Corps...

Cleveland Job Corps Student Success Story

Meet... Sollie Cochran Age: 18 Hometown: Maple, Ohio Center: Cleveland Job Corps Job Corps Dates: 11-27-2017 - 8-17-2018 Career Area: Medical Office Support and State Tested Nursing Assistant Employer: Wickliffe Country Place    Position: State Tested Nursing...

Cleveland Job Corps Student Success Story

Meet... China Crider Age: 19 Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio Center: Cleveland Job Corps Job Corps Dates: January 3, 2018 - August 17, 2018 Career Area: State Tested Nursing Assistant Employer: Golden Touch Home Health Aide Agency      Position: Home Health Aide    ...

Cleveland Job Corps Student Success Story

Meet... Cordell Q Lindsley, CMAA Age: 22 Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio Center: Cleveland Job Corps Job Corps Dates: March 26, 2018 - September 27, 2018 Career Area: Clinical Medical Assistant Employer: University Hospital            Position: Nutrition Service Assistant...

Cleveland Job Corps Student Success Story

Meet... Massandje Boduo Age: 19 Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio Center: Cleveland Job Corps Center Job Corps Dates: 10/09/2017 - 09/10/2018 Career Area: State Tested Nursing Assistant Military Branch: Army           MOS: Food Service Specialist Massandje Boduo graduated...

Cleveland Job Corps Student Success Story

Meet... Jordan Ussery Age: 21 Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio Center: Cleveland Job Corps Center Job Corps Dates: 05/01/2017 - 09/05/2018 Career Area: Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Military Branch: Navy      MOS: Sonar Technician "Job Corps is not to be considered an...

Cleveland Job Corps Employer Open House

Management Training Corporation (MTC), in collaboration with Serrato Corporation and Horizon Youth Services, hosted an Employer Open House Luncheon at the Cleveland Job Corps Center on September 27, 2018. The luncheon was organized by MTC's Cleveland Career Transition...

Cleveland Job Corps Celebrating Peace Week

The Cleveland Job Corps Center joined 126 Job Corps Centers around the nation in celebrating Youth 2 Youth (Y2Y): Partners 4 Peace (P4P) the week from September 17th - 21st. The anti-violence initiative is created and led by Job Corps students nationwide. The week...

Cleveland Job Corps Student Success Story

Meet... Nevada Daily Age: 18 Hometown: Cleveland, OH Trade: Bricklaying and Other Training Program (OTP) Welding Job Corps Dates: 10/3/16 - 8/8/18 Employer: Ace Brother's Equipment                  Position: Welder "If a student has the ambition and the focus...

Cleveland Job Corps Student Success Story

Meet... Kaitlin Martin Age: 18 Hometown: Cleveland Trade: Nursing Assistant Job Corps Dates: January 22, 2018 - July 17, 2018 Employer: Amara Homecare and Mary Glynn Home    Position: Nursing Assistant Fueled with determination, 18-year-old Kaitlin earned her High...

Cleveland Job Corps Hosted Cleveland

On August 8, 2018, Executive Director Pastor, Aaron Phillips, J.D., of the Cleveland Clergy Coalition hosted the groups monthly meeting at the Cleveland Job Corps. More than thirty Pastors were in attend-ance. Center Director, William Houston opened the meeting with a...