Springdale Job Corps students and staff make their talents count! On October 12th, Springdale hosted its first Make A Difference Talent Show and fundraiser. In between watching student and staff talent acts, the audience will learned about some important...
Springdale Job Corps Gives Back to the Community
Springdale Job Corps students made a difference to their communities in September. Approximately 20 students participated in two service learning projects over the weekend of September 1st and 2nd. . Students volunteered with the Oregon Humane Society, and also...
Oneonta Job Corps Academy students assist with county wide hazardous wate collection day
Oneonta Job Corps Academy students in the Military Career Preparation program assisted Otsego County with its annual hazardous waste collection day on September 15th. The 15 Oneonta Job Corps Academy students were among many volunteers that assisted with the day. It...
AJCC Comunity Service @ Santa Teresita Children’s Home
Nine (9) Retail Sales trainees participated with their Instructor Melitza Valentin and Counseling Supervisor Ivelisse Sánchez on a Community Service at the Santa Teresita Children’s Home “Hogar Infantil Santa Teresita” located in Arecibo. Our students helped the...
Fourteen Alaska Job Corps students arrived at the Birchtree Charter School on a misty Friday morning. Each student was geared up with hard hats and safety boots. As they filed off the bus, they were uncomfortable. This was a busy and unfamiliar place. The...
Finch-Henry students will renovate building
FHJCC Student Government Association President Crystal James (left) presented the FHJCC Community Relations Council with a framed souvenir from her summer internship in the offi ce of Representative Bennie Thompson. Accepting the photo was CRC president, Batesville...
Conservation Corps and Loring Job Corps Students in Cement Masonry combine efforts.
The Maine Conservation Corps (MCC) field team requested assistance in projects that were being done in Aroostook County. The outreach Coordinator and volunteer, Sarah Kilch Gaffney stated that MCC completes projects on the Appalachian Trail, State Parks and several...
Pine Ridge Job Corps Painting Students Recognized for Professionalism
Pine Ridge Job Corps Career Technical Painting Students were recognized for their community work at Hay Springs, Nebraska, High School by Hay Springs Superintendent of Schools Stephen Pummel. He wrote: On behalf of the Hay Springs School District I want to thank you...
Flint Genesee Students Assist at Fox 66 News Fall Festival!
Students from Flint Genesee Job Corps Center were right up front when thousands of guest arrived at the annual Fox 66 News Fall Festival held on September 15th at the Perani Center, handing out literature of the event and assisting with traffic control. Students...
CJCC Real Men Can Cook
On Friday, September 14, Culinary Arts students and instructors from Clearfield Job Corps participated in the YCC’s annual “Real Men Can Cook” fundraiser. This event raises funds for programs such as rape counseling, parenting skills workshops, and home repairs for...
SGA Participates in COFY’s Health Fair
The Student Government Association (SGA) of the Flint Genesee Job Corps Center participated, along with various other organizations, at the Community Outreach for Family and Youth (COFY) Health Fair held at the New Jerusalem Baptist Church. The Health Fair was held...
Carpentry Home Builders Institute program at Loring Job Corps recognized for Community Service
August 22, 2012 LJCC Carpentry Home Builders Institute program instructed by Mark Brewer had articles and this picture below published in two local papers, the Star Herald and the Aroostook Republican. The Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce wanted to give thanks to...
Camp Adventure a Type-1 diabetes camp for children assisted by Loring Job Corps students for Community Service
August 10, 11 & 12th, 2012 To date one of the largest 2012 volunteer Community Service projects taken on by LJCC. “Ride Aroostook” a weekend event that was hosted by Cary Medical and University of Maine at Presque Isle that was a fundraiser for type-1 diabetes...
CJCC proud participant in Clearfield University program
Sixteen Clearfield residents are the proud first graduating class of Clearfield City’s nine-week Clearfield University program. From a high school student to at-home moms to business owners to retirees – all went away from the graduation ceremony feeling an increased...
Gary Job Corps is a Good Neighbor
Pictured are the Gary Job Corps Plastering Class under instructor Nicho Garcia and the Leadership San Marcos 2012 Class under Lisa V. Tanksley and Dannette Elliot at Project Rio Vista Park (Mosaic Wall). The Gary Job Corps Center have assisted the Leadership San...
The St. Louis Job Corps students make the Earth Move
The St. Louis Job Corps is a community team player and our students helped move Earth “Day” to boost Urban Agriculture at Your’s Inc. Urban Farm. St. Louis Job Corps students Calvin Hardy (Pharmacy Tech), Crystal Hosch (TCU), Darrow Sanders (HOT), Dyvon Wayman...
Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce states gratitude towards Loring Job Corps HBI Carpentry Students
More examples of thank you letters to Carpentry students Community Service under the supervision of Home Builders Institute Carpentry instructor Mark Brewer at Loring Job Corps Center.
Loring Job Corps Center HBI Electrical Students engage in Community Service at Maine Veterans Home
Over two years ago, LJCC Home Builders Institute Electrical Instructor Otis May took it upon himself to engage his classroom in community service. Bi-weekly visits to the Maine Veterans Home located in Caribou, Maine has been the ongoing agenda to visit veteran...
Loring Job Corps Center HBI Carpentry Students thanked by Caribou Historical Society
Many hours of community service has been performed by the Home Builders Institute trades offered at Loring Job Corps Center. This is just an example of one thank you letter from Caribou Historical Society President Richard Cilley for the efforts of the Carpentry...
Little Rock Job Corps Center Honored to Partner with the Martin Luther King Commission
The Little Rock Job Corps Center’s logo has been placed on the Martin Luther King Commission’s Website. The Little Rock Job Corps Center’s STARS’ Outreach Team and Security Trade Students are often called upon to assist with large events. In addition, the Little Rock...