It is never too early to start students on the path to career success. The Alaska Job Corps Center held an all-day Career Readiness Fair on Wednesday, June 7, to prepare students for lifelong achievement in the workforce.
There are now many new Red Card holders in the State of Alaska and they received their certification at the Alaska Job Corps. This is a supplemental tool in the Alaska Job Corps students’ toolbox. The primary goal of Alaska Job Corps is to train and place students...
Business Brings Excel to Life for Accounting Students
Excel is just software-- until you see it in action. Twelve Alaska Job Corps Accounting students did just that--last week at the Matanuska Electric Association’s main headquarters. This was a hands on opportunity and students heard directly from employees in the...
Loring Job Corps Center students accepted into advance training in the Emergency Medical Technician(EMT) program.
Two Work-based Learning students, Amhir Campbell and Yana Davis, received the privilege of advancing their vocational skills with an advanced training transfer into the EMT program at Grafton Job Corps center. Both students are exemplary students and ambitious young...
Melwood Hires Woodstock Student
One of Woodstock Job Corps Center's very own is headed to work at Melwood. Kenneth Powell, a Painting student at Woodstock, was recently hired by Melwood. Kenneth will work as a Seasonal Landscape Worker and transitions out the end of March.
Job Corps Training Leads to Job Corps Job for FM Grad
The New Haven Job Corps trained Tyshawn Beckford so well in the Facilities Maintenance trade that two years later he landed a job on the Center maintenance team. “I love being here on campus again,” said 27-year-old Tyshawn, Class of 2009. “I wouldn’t trade this job...
Finch-Henry Graduates Participate in First-Ever
Contact: Roger Givens, Business and Community Liaison 662-609-9424 August 31, 2011 Students from the Finch-Henry Job Corps Center participated in National Job Corps Commencement Day on August 30. For the first time ever, graduation celebrations...
National Commencement Day At Finch-Henry Job Corps Center
State Representative Chuck Espy of Clarksdale shook hands with graduates of the Finch-Henry Job Corps Center during their summer commencement Tuesday. Center Director Cordella Smith (left) presented diplomas to each graduate as they walked...
Collbran Job Corps Students Use GPS Units at Work
Two Collbran Job Corps students, Nathan Smithgall and Ron Vester, are employed by the Grand Valley Ranger District, Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, Gunnison National Forest, on its weeds crew. The students inventory, track and treat current weed infestations. The species are...
Harnessing Wind Energy with Alaska Job Corps
Jonathan Austin is a 20 year old Electrical student at the Alaska Job Corps Center. He has been enrolled for 60 days and is nearly full-time in the trade. He hails from Anchorage, where he attended Bartlett High School. His hobbies are reading, writing, exercising,...
Springdale Job Corps is Number 1
They’re No. 1 Springdale Job Corps Center earns top marks for 2010-11 By Rob Cullivan The Gresham Outlook, Aug 6, 2011 Jim Clark / The Outlook Shayne Sellers makes fruit pastries as part of the culinary program at the Springdale Job Corps. In the auto shop, Patrick...
Job Corps Supporter Honored at Clearfield Job Corps
By Jamie Lampros Standard-Examiner Mon, 07/04/2011 - 11:25am SOUTH OGDEN -- Sherri Freston has a strong belief in Job Corps and its education and job training programs. "I have an honest interest in the promotion of youth, specifically the teenage and young adult age...
Congressman Mentors Clearfield Job Corps Student
By Ruth Malan Standard-Examiner correspondent Wed, 06/22/2011 - 5:50pm CLEARFIELD — Job Corps student Jeff Wilde recently spent an entire day with U.S. Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah and his staff, learning the day-to-day aspects of a congressmen’s job. Wilde, a Kaysville...
Clearfield Student Shares Story About Job Corps
Terrence’s Story About the Jobs Corps This material [article] was published by the Half in Ten Campaign Originally Posted March 10, 2011 at Half in Ten By Terrence of New Castle, DE I am a product of federally funded programs. Born in 1957 in New Jersey, I was in and...
Jacksonville JCC’s Advance Training Students Soar
Since September of 2010 the Jacksonville Job Corps Center has transferred 8 students to the Advance Training Program. This program is another opportunity offered to students through Job Corps. The advance training program offers qualified students...
Penobscot Job Corps Academy Newsletter
Penobscot Job Corps Spring 2010 Newsletter
Penobscot Job Corps Academy Summer 2010 Newsletter
Penobscot Job Corps Academy News
Faces of Job Corps: Terry Lee Medicine Crow
Terry Lee Medicine Crow is from McLaughlin, South Dakota and the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. In 1986 he graduated from high school and did not have the financial resources to attend college, so in 1989 he decided to enroll in the Clerical Word Processing vocation...
Pine Ridge Job Corps Works on Community Project
Students from the Cement Mason and Craft Laborers Career Technical Trades of the Pine Ridge Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center, Chadron, Nebraska, poured concrete footings to a dog kennel for the city of Hemingford, Nebraska on August 6th. The Cement Mason...
Penobscot Job Corps Academy Program Completers
The following students completed their trade and/or academic training at Penobscot Job Corps Academy during the months of July and August: GED: Rebecca Brown, Caitlin Bradeen, Shandra Velazquez, Nicole Mitchell, Anthony Pierce, Brad Bryan, Jimakea-Jean Woodard...