Clearfield Student Shares Story About Job Corps
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Clearfield Student Shares Story About Job Corps

Terrence’s Story About the Jobs Corps

This material [article] was published by the Half in Ten Campaign
Originally Posted March 10, 2011 at Half in Ten

By Terrence of New Castle, DE

I am a product of federally funded programs. Born in 1957 in New Jersey, I was in and out of reform schools or juvenile state institutions since the time that I was 9 years of age. By the time I was 20 years old, I had no job, no job skills or training, and no high school diploma.

I entered the Job Corps Program in Clearfield, Utah and took both Business Clerical and Bookkeeping trades. My program was two years long. I knew I had to complete the Job Corps Program and obtain my high school diploma if I was to survive and keep myself out of the prison system. I completed both my trades and obtained my GED before being sent to Minneapolis, MN for advance training. While in Minneapolis, I obtained my real first job at North Western National Bank at the age of 21. I later became a recruiter for the Job Corps Program and then a Career Transition Specialist.

Today I am employed as the Marketing and Placement Specialist and Sr. Officer for VLS IT Consulting Inc. as well as being the president and owner of my own company. I have become a positive, productive, taxpaying citizen with plans to create jobs for the citizens in my community. Because of federally funded programs, I am not in prison as an inmate, costing the state money. I am bringing in revenue.