Archive for "Sacramento Job Corps Center"

T. V. program “America Graduate”

SJCC was part of a T.V program "America Graduate " this program was aired on KVIE Channel "6" on November 3,  and November 6, 2011 @ 7:00pm. They featured the  Sacramento Job Corps program along with others vocational training  for young adults in the Northern...

Sacramento Job Corps Make a Difference Day

SJCC had over 80 staff and students participate in the Breast Cancer Walk  sponsored by American Cancer Society, this event was held at the State Capitol on October 16, 2011. Among our staff group, we celebrated three Breast Cancer Survivors...Yvette Angel, Tamara...

Sacramento Job Corps hosted Military Day

SJCC hosted Military Day on October 14, 2011. The two branches that participated were U.S. Army and Marines. Students had an opportunity to visit the informational booth of both branches and ask questions regarding how and what benefits they can receive by serving...

SJCC Community Relationship Luncheon

Sacramento Job Corps held a successful CRC luncheon on September 15, 2011. There were over sixty participates and special guest was Senator Darrell Steinberg's Field Representative Ana Maria Negron. The Center also recognized G4S Secure Solution, a local security...

SJCC honors 55 grads on Commencement Day

Local officials, business leaders, Job Corps staff and family members joined 55 students graduating from Sacramento Job Corps Center Aug. 30 as part of the National Job Corps Commencement Day. “The National Commencement Day is a great way to recognize our students’...