Por El Nuevo Día / Sección de Negocios (in English below) El presidente de la Cámara de Comercio (CCPR) Raúl Gayá Nigaglioni, escribió una carta al Comité de Asignaciones de la Cámara de Representantes federal, en la que aboga por la permanencia del programa Job...
Green Committee Visit the Animal Shelter
Ramey Job Corps, P.R- To expose ourselves to the charms of animals and to help those less fortunate was the reason for why five members of the Ramey Job Corps´ Green Committee choose to provide community service to an animal shelter during the month of November; as...
Earth Day Every Day Mosaic (Spanish Video)
Visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_vITXSXXO8 To see the video about the Earth Day Every Day Mosaic completed in Ramey Job Corps as for one of the green projects created on Center by students tougth by the Arts Instructor: Gladys Calvente. Students who...
Veterans Awareness Week Events
On Veteran’s Day, November 10th, 2010, BCL contacted via telephone the veteran contacts Ramey Job Corps has for recruiting students for the military forces, and those who provide career orientations to students. --------- Ms. Martínez contacted Veterans from the ARMY,...
Conmemoration of the 911 events
September 10th, 2010 In commemoration of the 911-attack events in September 2001, Ramey Job Corps held a ceremony for remembering the victims and to honor the commendable efforts of security agencies. Nine years have passed after the multiple accidents that began in...
Competencia: “Teacher Open Culinary Competition 2010”
14 de julio de 2010 Luego de haber terminado su certificación en Artes Culinarias en la Academia Ramey Job Corps, el joven Samuel Cabassa se matriculó en la Escuela Hotelera de San Juan en Mayagüez en donde en menos de un año de instrucción ha sido galardonado con el...
August 25th, 2010 Aguadilla. Interested in showing off how the ARRA funds have been invested in our facilities in favor of technical training tools and green facilities restoration; the new Student Government Associtations from the three Puerto Rico Job Corps...