Green Committee Visit the Animal Shelter

Green Committee Visit the Animal Shelter

Ramey Job Corps, P.R- To expose ourselves to the charms of animals and to help those less fortunate was  the reason for why  five members of the Ramey Job Corps´ Green Committee choose to provide community service to an animal shelter during the month of November; as well, it served us as therapy. The Green Committee selected the Villa Michelle Animal Shelter, located in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. It was the first exposure to all of us volunteer to help the employees cleaning the cages, common areas, and bathe the dogs. We also committed to promoting the adoption of animals in shelters and raise awareness among our acquaintances about the need of assistance for these shelters to purchase dog and cat food, towels, newsprint, paper towels, disinfectant cleaners, shampoos for dogs and cats, etc. These materials are vital to safeguard the living quality of these prospects pets.
Do their instincts make them independent or dependent? Do these animals have feelings or not? These are some questions that we can ask ourselves about domesticated and wild animals. Despite these questions, many of us feel moved by having the opportunity to provide love and care to these animals, as well as to receive a gesture that may be understood as affection from them. Nowadays, pets are utilized as “therapeutics” to ill persons and the elderly. As for therapy, these animals serve as companion, they allow and enjoy being caressed and remain tranquil when we talked to them expressing our enchantment and affection toward them. They also let us feel delighted by their tender looks and soft fur.
Without a doubt, not only bathing them, showing them affection, cleaning their cages and common areas, made us feel proud about ourselves for the help we provided to these animals, but for the assistance we provided to the employees. We also became more sensitized regarding the necessity these cats and dogs have to be adopted. How  dogs went crazy of enthusiasm shaking their tails, jumping to our laps licking desperately what they could; how the cats purred to get pet, others followed us with curious eyes whereas other ones brushed their temples with our legs, made us realize these dogs and cats were ready to get adopted. The employees were proud of having young students, committed to offer their time, affection to the pets that undoubtedly look for and enjoy the company of humans.
Villa Michelle Animal Shelter, in addition to providing shelter for homeless animals, helps them find homes, offers these and the community clinic for sterilization and vaccination oflow-cost and promotes responsible care through education programs. In Puerto Rico there is currently a campaign for animal adoption shelters. Most of these non-profit centers help control the population of homeless cats and dogs in Puerto Rico, which always has high. Therefore, the Green Committee is committed to making collections of donations for these shelters and providing assistance.
Many will always ask themselves how independent could these pets be of humans or how dependent are us of them.  As we wonder if they have feelings. Undoubtedly, those who adore these animals, to share with them changes around their feelings and find in their company an affinity that fills a space of tenderness in our hearts. The Green Committee urges everyone to prior buying a dog or cat, to visit a nearby community animal shelter. There will always be hundreds of healthy animals eager to find a new home and employees willing to educate new owners on the proper upbringing of your pet. Most of the animals that are not adopted are lamentably put to sleep.
We are sure that when you visit a shelter in search of adopting a pet, those tender looks and legs brushes will make you melt and want to leave with more than one new pet. Promote the adoption, the value of giving a helpless creature a new and warm home will fill you with pride and your home will be filled with many days of joy and companionship.

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