Tags: by RJC's BCL: Karen Martínez-Paz


August 25th, 2010

Aguadilla. Interested in showing off how the ARRA funds have been invested in our facilities in favor of technical training tools and green facilities restoration; the new Student Government Associtations from the three Puerto Rico Job Corps Academies and the Ramey Job Corps staff had the opportunity to welcome Congressman Hon. Pierluisi in the Academy facilities for the first time.

Accompanying Pierluisi, were Representatives Rolando Crespo and Luis Rivera-Guerra who met every student, their career training trades and aspirations; which led these leaders to guide students and support them with their efforts in studying, sacrificing and commitment to a prosperous future. A more promising future that will certainly impact positively Puerto Rico’s society and its’ economy.

Ramey Job Corps has met Pierluisi personally every year of his term in his office in Capitol Hill where the Ramey Job Corps Academy’s Director, Osvaldo Ubiñas, Business & Community Liaison and the Student Government Association (SGA) provide him statistical standing information, Academy’s best practices, preoccupations, and requests while these staff and students also visit D.C. to get trainings , seminars and networking opportunities.

During the Congressman visit, after a recognition given by the SGA to Pierluisi for his support as a member of the Friends of Job Corps Caucus, Ramey Job Corps Staff gave him and the Representatives, a tour around the facilities, focusing in the career technical trades. Pierluisi learned how the ARRA funds were invested not only in the theoretical curriculum but he saw the green tools that have been acquired and worked with, as per example the photovoltaic modules (for the electrician trade), and a hybrid car (for the automobile technician trade). Furthermore, during his visit Ramey Job Corps was offering the facilities for Zumba classes to the community, and providing a blood drive on center by the American Red Cross Association.

On 2008, a new vision came to all Job Corps programs throughout United States and Puerto Rico. Every trade was reviewed, reinforced and certified by national foundations or associations. As well, code of conducts and new social and employability skills were added to the program for increasing the students competitiveness. This fact, impressed our Representatives, while the actual Education Department in the island is suffering an economic and management crisis.

During their intervention with students, the three political leaders expressed enthusiastically their pride towards the mission and stable results from the Job Corps programs in Puerto Rico. Consistently, they supported the efforts the students are making to get prepared in technical trades in order to improve their living quality which will proportionally inject the economy.

Some of the initiatives exposed through this visit was the importance of promoting the services Job Corps offers to the low income youth and school drop outs though the voice of our leaders in the government. Looking forward to get from Ramey Job Corps the next cycling champion, Representatives offered to support us preparing the prospect students practicing in the new community velodrome. For the Ramey Job Corps students and personnel was a pleasure to receive the Resident Commissioner after all the support he has provided to the Job Corps programs.

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