Archive for "Potomac Job Corps"

Congressional Shadowing

Three Potomac Job Corps students had an opportunity to shadow four congressional offices—Congressman Steny Hoyer, Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and Congresswoman Donna Edwards.  Students also had a chance to visit Congressman Chris...

MTC Conference

The BCL attended a conference hosted by MTC in Atlanta on Job Development.  The conference attendees are members from difference centers around the country.  The conference began on September 26th and  ended on September 30th.  The goal is to enhance job development...

Supporting Secretary Hilda Solis

Secretary Hilda Solis testified on Tuesday, July 26, on the “State of the American Worker”. Zachary Thornton, TCU student, and Frances Riggs, TCU students attended this meeting in support and by the request  of Secretary Solis. Students shared their Job Corps...

Building a “Comfort” Library

At Potomac Job Corps, we strive to offer the most comprehensive menu of learning and training in everything we do. A comfort library is one example of our efforts to reach success in the most diverse manner possible.  The new comfort library will incorporate all...

Working with Homeland Security

Potomac Job Corps’ staff and their partners are working diligently to secure work based learning experiences for students in the Washington, D.C. area.  For instance, Grunley, Marsh & Associates are new partners and have volunteered to incorporate three Potomac...

National Night Out

Potomac Job Corps students  volunteered to assisted District 7 Police Department  in securing, ushering and registering citizens attending the "28th Annual National Night Out" (NNO).  This annual campaign involved citizens, law enforcement agencies, civic groups,...

Gardening at Potomac

The Potomac Job Corps Brick and Carpentry trades designed a community garden to encourage healthy eating habits, teach environmental education, and to help students learn more about organic gardening. Square foot gardening, container gardening, propagation techniques,...

NAACP Advocating for Potomac Job Corps

Maryland’s NAACP president, Bob Ross, an advocate for Potomac Job Corps, has agreed to sponsor job-seeking  advertisements for students in the NAACP local and state databases.  Students, by way of the BCL, will receive job announcements, shadowing and work based...

Potomac Job Corps Graduation

AUGUST 30, 2011 The Potomac Job Corps celebrated Graduation Day of the Class of 2011 at the ARC in Washington, D.C.  The Honorable Elizabeth Schuler, Secretary- Treasurer of the AFL-CIO, was the Chief Guest for the Ceremony and assisted in awarding Graduation...

Omega Psi Phi Leadership Conference

POTOMAC JOB CORPS MEDIA INFORMATION JULY, 2011 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, one of the nation’s oldest African American fraternities, celebrated its 100 anniversary in Washington, D.C.  by sponsoring a leadership conference during the week of July 26th...