Masley Enterprises Inc. which is a relatively new company located in Wilmington, recently hired two graduates from the program. They are a glove force handwear manufacturing company. They made the committment to hire additional students once their new location is open...
Wilmington Job Corps Center’s Culinary Arts Dept. Strikes Again
The center's Culinary Arts Dept. baked cookies for Congressman John Carney and his staff in their District office. The BCL delivered the treats, when she met with a member of the District staff, to discuss center report card status and to provide an update on center...
Making The Season and Spirits Bright
The Wilmington Job Corps Center's student gov't association, partnered with the Kingswood Community Center to provide a "Toys For Tots" community service project for the holiday season. The SGA students solicited center staff and students to donate toys to this worthy...
Career Success Standards Celebrated
The Wilmington Job Corps Center celebrated our annual "May Day Celebration" on May 24th. The event was held on center and the purpose of the event is to incorporate the ten Career Success Standards into engaging and fun activities. Employers were on hand to discuss...
Wilmington Job Corps Center Goes Live
The center's BCL appeared on local Comcast Cable Channel 28 on April 15th. The program is called "A Better Wilmington". This was the station's debut and host Darius Brown invited the center to appear. BCL discussed admissions process, vocational and educational...
Job Corps Works
Parkview Nursing & Rehabilitation Center knows that Job Corps works. They recently hired three graduate students to fill two dietary vacancies and one CNA opening. They have hired several of our students in the past and have experienced success.The graduates will...
Mayor James Baker Supports Groundhog Job Shadow Day Event
Wilmington, DE Mayor James Baker, graciously invited two Office Administration students to shadow him, as part of the annual Groundhog Job Shadow Day event which was held on March 9th. The Mayor supports this activity yearly and really enjoys the interaction with the...
The Wilmington Job Corps Center Graduates Fifty-Students
"Choice, Not Chance, Determine Destiny" was the theme for the center's graduation ceremony which was held on January, 26, 2012. The festivities took place at the University of Delaware in their Clayton Hall facility. Fifty- graduates earned the right to walk across...
Congressman John Carney Visits The Wilmington Job Corps Center
Congressman John Carney visited the Wilmington Job Corps Center on Thursday, March 15th. He was escorted to various vocational and educational classrooms, by student greeters and tour guides. He had the opportunity to observe our students in action. This was his first...
Spreading Holiday Joy and Spirit
The Wilmington Job Corps Center's choir did a repeat and took their talents and giving spirit to the Wilmington Senior Center on December 9, 2011. Seven students along with three staff, took a walk to the senior center to entertain them while they enjoyed lunch. The...
Wilmington Job Corps Takes The Show On The Road
The Wilmington Job Corps Center's choir took their talents and holiday spirit to Delaware Elwyn seniors on December 8, 2011. Seven students and four staff sang varied holiday tunes and performed s skit for the seniors while they enjoyed their lunch. Programs and candy...
We’re Making A Difference
The Wilmington Job Corps Center partnered with the Greater Brandywine Village Revitalization, Inc. to sponsor a community coat drive. The organization is a community-based organization, which assists and provides an improved quality of life for community inhabitants....
Make A Difference Day Made A Difference
The Wilmington Job Corps Center participated in the annual Make A Difference Day on October 28, 2011. Twenty-three students and five staff participated in the event. There were four employer partners who provided varied type projects for the students to perform. All...
Wilmington Job Corps Students On Point
Three Office Administration students along with the center's BCL, assisted the Kingswood Community Center with the registration process for participants who were part of a golf benefit for the organization. The event was held on October 4, 2011. The proceeds of the...
Senator Chris Coons Visits the Wilmington Job Corps Center
On October 7, 2011 Senator Chris Coons along with his press secretary and projects director visited the center. The Senator addressed the students on his education and employment plan for the state of Delaware. He also encouraged the students to further their...
Employer/WBL Partner Providing Job Opportunities
The Little Sisters of The Poor is an organization that provides affordable apartments to Senior Citizens who meet the criteria. The establishment is operated by ten nuns who reside on the premises as well. This partnership began as a WBL site in June 2011 for...
A Win-Win for Habitat and Wilmington Job Corps
The Wilmington Job Corps Center and Habitat for Humanity, have partnered once again. Several Facilities Maintenance students along with their instructor, have been working with Habitat on a new project, consisting of new construction of twenty-one town homes being...
Let’s Move Wilmington
On September 22,2011, thirty students and four staff met to rehearse and record a video from the "Let's Move" video, in support of First Lady, Michelle Obama's campaign for healthy lifestyles. Staff and students alike, were issued t-shirts with the Let's Move logo on...
The Windows of Wilmington Job Corps Center
On August 24, 2011 the OA/CTS Director along with one of the center's Facilities Maintenance trainees, appeared on Comcast television station WITN Channel 22"Windows On Wilmington". The show provided a venue for the student to share his successful experiences at the...
We Are Off To The Races!!!
On August 22, 2011, the Wilmington Job Corps Center 2011 Academic Olympics participants thought and fought their way to a 1st place win in the first round. There were a total of six Job Corps centers who represented Region II in the competition. The Wilmington team...