Archive for "New Haven Job Corps Center"

New Haven Students Help Youth Groups

The Culinary Arts students baked a variety of desserts, and students volunteered at the Second Annual Come Together Dinner.  Building Community to support youth, the Citywide Youth Coalition, local Collaboratives, Local Interagency Service Team (LIST), and area Youth...

New Haven Job Corps SGA “Give Back”

In an effort to “give back” to the community, the outgoing Student Government Association Officers of the New Haven Job Corps Center, voted to assist the West Rock Community Center’s afterschool program after hearing they had difficulty obtaining funding for games for...

New Haven Job Corps Leads Diabetes Awareness

As an offshoot of our Leadership Training Program, students discussed "giving back" and decided to raise awareness and “Walk for Diabetes” and to promote healthy choices.    Over 144 students and staff walked the 2-mile long block of the New Haven Job Corps Center. ...

Student Job Shadowing

New Haven Job Corps students from several career paths joined more than one million young people nationwide this year to get a taste of the workplace from the professionals shaping it. The students participated once again in the annual Groundhog Job Shadow Day, an...


The New Haven Job Corps now has an “award winning” Culinary Department, thanks to the students who prepared delights for a “friendly” chocolate competition and submitted entries to the 3rd Annual Valentine Chocolate Festival honoring “Children and Chocolate.” ...

New Haven Job Corps Center and Operation ELF

As part of CT Governor M. Jodi Rell’s Taskforce and holiday initiative, New Haven Job Corps Center students and staff partnered with the staff of CT DOL to collect toys for Operation ELF (an acronym for Embracing Lonely Families). The purpose of the drive is to...

New Haven Job Corps Develops Community Garden

New Haven Job Corps in partnership with ACES (Area Cooperative Education Services), have begun developing a local community garden to be shared by the Center and the local community.  This garden will be used to grow flowers, produce, and vegetables.  This produce is...