Archive for "Community Service"

Down to Earth continued…

There is nothing more gratifying, than getting "Down to Earth" bringing forth new life. New growth. To grow flowers to beautify our surroundings. Or grow food to eat.  Today, our very own, Ms. Laureano gathered a group of 3 students, who had the awesome opportunity to...

Center Director and BCL get caught…

On Wednesday night, during the Social Skills Training, durring closed dorms,  Ms. Espada and Ms. Williams, CD, got caught practicing "random acts of kindness" on behalf of The SPOT. A Youth Empowerment Organization. Who gifted each student a nice  bag of hygiene...

Shout out…

Big "Shout Out" is merited.   And goes out to our very own, Center Director. Ms Cathy Williams, who ever so graciously, stopped in her tracks to rescue Ms. Espada, BCL, aka ""Abuela" and taking over, driving this huge mobile cart. Jam packed with "hygiene products"...

Kittrell JCC Celebrate Earth Day

On April 23, 2022, Kittrell Job Corps Center joined the community to assist the City of Henderson City with its 2022 Community-wide Spring Litter Sweep/Earth Day event in Henderson. Kittrell Job Corps Center CTR/WBL Coordinator, Joan Robinson, students, and community...

“Down to Earth”…

Down to EC Grows Community Gardens. Preparing the grounds... Promising new beginnings for our Cleveland Job Corps Center; as the Garden community,  prepares to welcome our students.  In 2020 staff volunteered to step in and do the gardening as students...

“Never Give Up Never Quit”

Never Give Up Never Quit...and become a RAKTIVIST.  What is a RAKTIVIST and what does a RAKTIVIST do?  Simple.   We randomly spread HOPE and "get caught" providing Random Acts of Kindness.  Encouraging others to never give up and  never quit.  This month of February,...