On October 13, 2014, at the all staff and student assembly, the Muhlenberg Job Corps Friends of Freedom Fighters Club had the opportunity to present their first care package to student Robert Harris. The club was developed to send care packages and letters to Job...
Muhlenberg Job Corps attends Career Fair
The Muhlenberg Job Corps had the opportunity to participate in the Muhlenberg County High School Career Fair. Students were educated of the career technical training offerings and benefits of the Job Corps program. The center was able to obtain several prospective...
Former 1977 Job Corps Graduates speaks at Muhlenberg Job Corps
In 1977, Mr. Bobby Johnson was a high school drop out, with no family support, could not read or write, and knew he needed to do something better for his life. This is when he turned to the Job Corps program and enrolled at the Breckinridge Job Corps Center in...
Local Pharmacy Technician educates Muhlenberg Job Corps students
Lori Cobb, Senior Pharmacy Technician of the Pharmacy Clinic in Powderly, Kentucky recently spoke to a large group of students at the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center. Cobb spoke to the students during after class hours and she had a good turnout of students who were...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Celebrates National Commencement Day
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center celebrated National Job Corps Commencement Day along with 125 other Job Corps Centers in the nation. The national day of celebration, sponsored by the National Job Corps Association was held August 22, 2014 to coincide with the 1963...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Health Cluster students Volunteer with American Red Cross
Job Corps students volunteer with American Red Cross Muhlenberg Job Corps Center’s health career students Aliyah Crawley and Kiersten King assisted Gilbert Abney of the local American Red Cross Chapter, at a recent Blood Drive held at Second Baptist Church. Aliyah is...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Services Community
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Military Club had the opportunity to once again control traffic and park cars for the 26th Annual Kentucky Deer Classic. The Kentucky Deer Classic has become known as "the" showcase for Kentucky's avid deer hunter and outdoorsman. Hunters from...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Student shares his Success
Former student Craig Williams, from Norfolk, Virginia took the time out of his busy truck route to visit former instructors at the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center. Williams was enrolled at the program from June 2013 until February 2014 and successfully completed the Heavy...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Muhlenberg Job Corps 50th Anniversary Kick-Off Celebration The Muhlenberg Job Corps staff and students came together on Monday, August 18, 2014 to kick-off a full week of celebratory events in honor of Job Corps 50th Anniversary. Celebratory events that took place...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Produces Success
Have you ever had a horrible day at work so horrible to the point that you don’t want to again answer your office phone? Well, that’s how Jon McCay, Academic Instructor felt at the end of one long day at the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center. Hesitantly, he answered his...
Muhlenberg Job Corps: Two Senators, Two 50th Anniversary Invites!
How rare is it to attend a small town event where two senators are present? The Business Community Liaison, Center Director, Career Preparation Instructor and Student Government Association President of the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center had the opportunity to meet...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Cruisin’ into the 50’s
The staff of the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center kicked off the new program year with a themed training session called “Crusin’ into the 50’s!” The Center’s goal is to be in the TOP 50 by the end of the year and what better place to be than in the TOP 50 by celebrating...
Bridges out of Poverty embraced at Muhlenberg Job Corps
In July, Jim Littlejohn and Kathy Jacobi, professional educators and consultants of the Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation presented Bridges out of Poverty to the staff of the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center. Bridges out of Poverty is a community support program that...
Student thanks Muhlenberg Job Corps for Success
Have you ever had a horrible day at work so horrible to the point that you don’t want to again answer your office phone? Well, that’s how Jon McCay, Academic Instructor felt at the end of one long day at the Muhlenberg Job Corps Center. Hesitantly, he answered his...
Six graduate from Job Corps HSD Program
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center is proud to announce the most recent graduates of the Muhlenberg Career High School Diploma program. Students who attend Job Corps have the opportunity to obtain their GED or High School Diploma, depending upon their TABE scores....
Muhlenberg Job Corps serves Fair Board
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center’s Military Club parked cars during the week long fair held at the Muhlenberg County Ag & Convention Center, June 10-14, 2014. Brent Lear, member of the Muhlenberg County Fair Board, stated "the students did an outstanding job with...
Muhlenberg hosts JCAAA North Division Softball Tournament
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center hosted the regional softball conference on Saturday, June 14, 2014. The teams that took the field were from the Carl D. Perkins, Earle C. Clements, and Whitney M. Young Job Corps centers. The Muhlenberg Bulldogs coed team produced a...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Welcomes New Center Director
Eric Jones, who most recently served as center director of the Bamberg Job Corps Center in South Carolina for four years, is the new center director of Muhlenberg Job Corps. Jones has more than 13 years of Job Corps experience. Prior to becoming center director at...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Builds Softball Park for Community Service
The Muhlenberg Job Corps Center was called upon by the Rochester City Council to construct a community softball park. John Austin, HEO Instructor quickly accepted the task. Austin and 6-8 students at a time have worked on the field since the beginning of May. Sue...
Muhlenberg Job Corps Celebrates Mental Health Month
About 1 in every 5 American adults will have a mental health condition in any given year, but only 41 percent of them will receive services. About 10 percent of the American adult population will have a mood disorder, such as depression or bipolar, and 18 percent...