Lyndon B. Johnson has kicked off it's quarterly "Adopt A Highway" project for this year. "We have been a part of this grassroots project since 1996" said Marvin Ramsey (Liaison Specialist). "I've been really impressed with the responsibility that our students have...
Job Corps student nominated for “Women in Nontraditional Occupation” award
Janeka Whitley has been nominated for the "Women in Nontraditional Occupations" and the "Golden Boot Award" Janeka Whitley has been nominated for the "Women in Nontraditional Occupations" and "Golden BOOT Award" The purpose of the award is to solicit nominees from the...
Lyndon B. Johnson Job Corps CCC Host Monthly Students vs. Staff Events
FRANKLIN, NC-Since January, Lyndon B. Johnson Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center has integrated monthly students vs. staff events into their schedule. The purpose of the events are to promote student and staff development through, exercise, teambuilding skills,...
Lyndon B. Johnson CCC and The Kiwanis Club Award “Terrific Kids”
Lyndon B. Johnson CCC and the Student Govenment Association assisted the Kiwanis Club in supporting the "Terrific Kids Award" at South Macon Elementary School. This award is given every nine weeks to students who exhibit, good behavior, goal setting skills, peer...
Lyndon B. Johnson named “Chamber Member of The Year”
Names from left to right, Jerry Buschmann (Counseling Manager), Carolyn Dehart (SGA President), Arthur Phalo (Center Director), Shantel Knowles (Executive Student SGA Advisor), Marvin Ramsey (Liaison Specialist). Lyndon B. Johnson CCC has been recently named "Chamber...
Lyndon B. Johnson CCC assist community with MLK “Table of Brotherhood”
MLK “Table of Brotherhood” Celebration