Students at the Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks Job Corps Center rcceived over 30 pairs of new Nike tennis shoes thanks to the kind generosity of Will Moore, Store Manager of the Nike Clearance store in Memphis, TN and staff members of the Nike Factory Outlet store. Each year,...
Dr. Benjamin L Hooks Oratory for NJCA
Joshua Wise, Accounting student from Mississippi wrote a speech on what Job Corps means to him, why he came to Job Corps and why Job Corps works for him. This speech was recorded and placed on YouTube for the NJCA to watch and judge to possibly be chosen to give his...
Hooks Job Corps in Whitehaven Christmas Parade
Members of the cheer team and Sandy Williams, CEP and Cheer team coordinator decorated a float for the Whitehaven Christmas parade with the theme of "It's Our Time to Shine". The Christmas parade started at the Southland Mall in Whitehaven, went down Elvis Presley...
The After School Program Hired 8 Hooks Job Corps Students
The After School Program (ASP) recently hired 8 Hooks Job Cops students to distribute material and sign up students for after school tutoring. The program is part of No Child Left Behind. The program targets schools where the children are struggling and not testing at...
Job Corps National Deputy Director Ralph DiBattista Visits the Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks Job Corps Center
James T. Harris, Center Director of Dr. Benjamin L. Hook Job Corps Center attended The National Forum on Youth Violence "Memphis Plan" session, where he gained insight into how the plan will be implemented. At the direction of the Obama Administration, the Departments...
Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks Job Corps Homeless Health Fair
9 phlebotomy students and Sandra Williams, CDS participated in the Homeless Day health fair downtown in the heat wave of the Summer in August. Students took blood pressure and drew blood for HIV and syphilis testing. When the participant completed all testing they...
Hooks Safety Committee-Texting While Driving
The students and staff at the Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks Job Corps Center took the Oprah Winfrey pledge, NO TEXTING WHILE DRIVING! - Make the Oprah Winfrey’s No Phone Zone Pledge – “I pledge to make my car a NO PHONE ZONE. Beginning right now. I will do my part to help...