Archive for "alaska job corps"

The Alaska Job Corps Center celebrates the graduation of 63 students

Palmer, Alaska—Some came from far away and some came from nearby. Either way, 63 students finished their career training at the Alaska Job Corps Center in Palmer and graduated on Friday, Feb. 24. From Akiachak to Arizona, and from Seward to Scammon Bay, these students had much to be proud of on this very special day. Community leaders, friends, family, alumni, colleagues, employers and staff watched these students as they were honored one by one and received their diplomas.

Alaska Job Corps Students Serve The Homeless

It looked like a ski lodge at first, with people sitting on chairs and benches and wearing their parkas and hats.  Nearly two feet of fresh snow surrounded the building.  But missing from the ski lodge portrait was the fancy gear and bright colors. In fact some of the...

Alaska Job Corps Adds Value to Training

For weeks students have been building and creating products for sale for an economic lesson at the Alaska Job Corps Center.  As part of their training and academics, they planned, designed, and penciled out projects which they could afford (using training...

Alaska Job Corps Students Learn From the Pros

Alaska Job Corps students are always looking for the helpful tips for employment.  In the above picture, guest speaker Barbara Green, EEO Manager of the National Park Service offered advice on federal employment and USA Jobs hiring portal. The employer meeting...

Careers and Mountains are Lifetime Climbs.

The Alaska Job Corps program is more than a daily eight hour training program, five days a week. Both after class and on weekends, students continue to participate in leisure time activities with a purpose. Last weekend several students joined AKJCC Career Prep...