The Mississippi Job Corps Center Homeland Security Class parked cars and directed traffic for the Crystal Springs 5k run and festival visitors. Over five thousand people attended the two day event. Mississippi Job Corps Center was very important in parking cars and...
Mississippi Job Corps’ Ryan Porter Hired
Student Ryan Porter has been hired by Nissan North America Plant, that has started a "Going Green" program. This program has been very successful with Nissan North America Plant in Canton, MS with five thousand employees.
Jacqui Holland of Mississippi Job Corps Spends the Day with Maxwell Townes of Senator Roger Wicker’s Office
On June 9, the Mississippi Job Corps Center sent one student to Senator Roger Wicker’s office for a one-day internship in which Maxwell Towne mentored the student for a typical 9-5 day. This unique event, sponsored by the Friends of Job Corps Congressional Caucus, was...
Mississippi Job Corps Center Crystal Springs, MS
Richard Sawyer was enrolled at the Mississippi Job Corps Center for 11 months. During this time he obtained his GED and completed the Security & Protective Services Trade. He shipped with the United States Army on the 25th of February, 2009 to Fort Sill, OK where...
Oratory Competition
Jarrod Carpenter's Oratory CompetitionJarrod Carpenter was submitted for a Oratory Competition that is being held in Washington, DC. Jarrod is a young man who is 24 years old from Meridian, Mississippi. He has a chilling story to tell about life on the streets. To...