The Wilmington Job Corps Center participated in the National Job Corps Global Youth Service Day Event on May 6, 2011. Thirty-three students along with three staff provided 102 volunteer hours of community service. Four employers partnered with the center to create a day of reflection, sense of purpose, community pride and spirit.
Habitat for Humanity provided a forum to enable Facilities Maintenance students to ‘strut’ their “stuff”!!! Other highlights of the event included a morning well spent entertaining seniors and tiny tots at a local community center. Culinary Art and Office Administration students, received hands on experience and an education from one of the area Food Banks. The students sorted varied type food items and perfomed inventory on receivables from donations. The students now have a broader knowledge base of the process of the food bank industry.
All involved stated that they had a sense of purpose for the event and they would be delighted to participate again.