The Kittrell Job Corps Center Career Transition Team (CTR) held an open house on Thursday, June 2, 2016 to mark the official opening of the Center’s new Career Center. Center students and staff toured the area and enjoyed refreshments. This building has three areas:...
Students Attend Johnston County Community College Career Fair
On May 4, 2016, Joan Robinson, Business Community Liaison Director (BCL), Shawndra Brooks, Career Transition Readiness (CTR) Instructor, and sixteen CTR students attended the Johnston County Community College Career Fair in Smithfield, NC. The students and staff...
Little Rock Students Attend Job Fair at Goodwill Career Center
Students attended a job fair on Feb. 19, hosted by our community partner, Goodwill Career Center. Career Transition Readiness, as well as Career Transition Service staff, was present to assist with student needs while at the job fair. Several students applied with...
Little Rock Visits the Arkansas Workforce Center
The Career Transition Readiness (CTR) Department provides students with the opportunity to gain additional means and skills to be self-sufficient once they graduate from our center. Eight students from Mrs. Allison Liddell’s CTR class visited the Arkansas Workforce...
Kittrell’s CTR Graduates for the Week of January 4, 2016
Dashawn Sanders Dashawn enrolled at KJCC in May 2015. He completed the Office Assistant program with his primary certification. Dashawn has been offered a full time data entry position with a printing company in Winston-Salem, NC. Kristina Masters Kristina...
Career Transition Readiness Class Welcomes Speaker
On Friday November 13th, CTR II welcomed guest speaker, LaDonte King from UC Santa Barbara. LaDonte is the assistant director for government affairs at UCSB. He came by CTR II to speak with our trainees about employability skills. Students from CTR I and CTR II...
Living Arts College Workshop Held at Kittrell JCC
Living Arts College Director of Education, LaMar Shannon, accompanied by Antoinette Chapman, Medical Admissions Officer, provided a workshop for the MAA, CTR and Nursing Assistant students on September 9, 2015. They provided an overview of the Dynamic Growth Field...