Jacobs Creek Newsletter 7-13
Archive for "Jacobs Creek Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center"
Jacobs Creek makes the Chief’s Desk: People, Places and Things Newsletter
Bristol, TN- Jacobs Creek was mentioned in the Chief's Desk: People, Places and Things on page 4, for our students' participation in Groundhog Job Shadow Day with the Cherokee National Forest. PP&T_2013_02_15
“The Ram’s Horn”-Jacobs Creek JCCCC Quarterly Newsletter
Jacobs Creek JCCCC Quarterly Newsletter-single page 1-2013
Jacobs Creek Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center wins the Martin Luther King Jr. Drum Major for Service Award
Bristol, TN- Jacobs Creek Job Corps was presented the 2012 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drum Major for Service award in Washington, D.C. Tuesday, after volunteering 5,000 community service hours to the Tri-Cities region. The award was presented to the agency within the...
Sullivan Schools May Partner with Jacobs Creek Job Corps CCCC
Jacobs Creek Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center was featured in Kingsport Times-News regarding its possible partnership with Sullivan Schools. To view the full article at Kingsport Times-News at:...