Video Pushes Fitness-Job Corps Center Films It’s Version of “Let’s Move”

by | Sep 29, 2011 | Uncategorized

Tags: Let's Move Campaign

Video Pushes Fitness-Job Corps Center Films It’s Version of “Let’s Move”

Smyth County News & Messenger – Dan Kegley, Staff Writer

It was all quiet on the set, atleast among those seated in the bleachers.  Out on the floor of Boehm Gym at Blue Ridge Job Corps Center Friday, however, students and staff, including center director Carol Parsons, were moving and grooving to the beat and making it hard for anyone else in the room to sit still.

And that’s the point of a National Association of Broadcasters Education Foudation initiative producing a video encouraging fitness in support of a project of First Lady Michelle Obama that targets childhood obesity.

The Let’s Move! Flash Workout features 16-time Grammy Award winner Beyonce, but on Friday, Blue Ridge Job Cops Center filmed it’s own performance of the pre-choreographed “Let’s Move!” dance excercise routine.

NABEF said the video event, produced in partnership with the National Middle School Association, the National School Boards Association and the American Association of School Administrators, called for middle school students accross the country to participate in the dance exercise routine at the same time last May.

The Blue Ridge Job Corps event on Friday, September 23, 2011 is part of a new program on campus called “Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyles” at the center.

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