NEWS: Turner Job Corps assists Cairo storm victims after tornado

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CAIRO, GA (WALB) – As Cairo continues recovery after a recent EF-2 tornado, the Turner Job Corps Center (TJC) in Albany is lending a helping hand to assist storm victims.

Turner Job Corps has over 20 of its heavy equipment students, a part of the International Union of Operating Engineers, in Cairo, helping storm victims.

Turner Job Corps students and staff are partnering with Sherwood Baptist Church and Marines to remove storm debris in residential areas for the remainder of the week.

TJC has two Skidsteer Heavy Equipment pieces on the grounds in areas that were hit hard during the storm.

(Source: Melvin Drake)
(Source: Melvin Drake)

Prior to starting the project, they had staff on the ground assessing the most severe areas and identifying several people who were impacted by both Hurricane Michael and last week’s EF-2 tornado.

Leaders said they wanted to assist with recovery to get kids involved in making a difference.

“They’re very excited about doing it because not only do our young adults know how important it is, they know themselves how important it is for giving back, volunteering,” said Melvin Drake, the business community liaison for Turner Job Corps.

Drake said the work they’re doing is about $40,000 to $50,000 worth of services for four days.

Turner Job Corps has already volunteered over 1,500 hours so far this year and they will continue to volunteer in various ways for the rest of the year.