Breanna Shakespeare is a 20 year old Northern Arapaho Tribal Member from Fort Washakie,WY is studying office administration.
Kaitlyn Hart from Penrose,CO is studying carpentry.
Daniel McElderry from Butte,MT and Gabe Shotgun, from Wind River Indian Reservation,an Arapaho Tribal member and Adrian Cook from Riverton,WY are studying welding too.
These youths are from three different states and learning
different trades, but what they have in common is they are all some of the first students at the Wind River Job Corps Center in Riverton.
The excitement of the students is clearly evident as they embark on a exciting learning experience at the Wind River Job Corps (WRJC) Center.
“Carpentry education will enable me to travel all over,”Kaitlyn Hart said.
Her dream is to travel to New Zealand and she hopes she will be able to do so working as a carpenter.
“I got tired of filling endless job applications and hearing nothing from anybody, so I kind of jumped the gun and came here,” Hart said. “I just love it here”, she also indicated.
Cook similarily supported Hart’s sentiments.
Adrian Cook hopes to build a foundation for a stable career instead of being in several jobs.
Bettering her job prospects is especially important for Brianna Shakespeare,who wants to be able to support her one-year old daughter.
Gabe Shotgun wants to learn skills at WRJC to support himself and not be a burden by living with his mother.The way for me to the future is learning the skills provided by the Job Corps.