Whitney M. Young prepares for a new year
Tags: #careersbeginhere | Career Training | Job Corps | Whitney M. Young | Whitney M. Young Job Corps Center

Whitney M. Young prepares for a new year

New year, new students, new dreams to fulfill: Whitney M. Young Job Corps Center is about to get underway for 2022.
With our remaining students from last year safely returning to center to continue their journeys, Whitney M. Young has a lot of bright young talent to make this year great.
But our ambitions are higher than just getting our current students out the door.
“We want to make sure we increase our OBS, which is our On Board Strength,” Training Director Stephen Burch said. “We believe that we have a phenomenal program that suits a lot of students who would be successful in hands-on programs through our trades, but we also want to increase our number of students so we can help them with their literacy and numeracy skills…That’s what we’re here for.”
And our students and centers aren’t the only ones that benefit from keeping those numbers as high as we can.
“We truly feel like that goal of increasing our OBS will not only help the workforce, but it also helps our local communities,” Burch said. “We don’t just focus on providing amazing training, we also focus on soft skills with our students to help them become amazing students.
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