The Day at the Capital with Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce invited Donna Chester Admissions and Kesha Shepherd Workforce Specialist along for this very informative and impactful.
The agenda primarily was about Workforce Development which is the biggest challenge facing the business community—the lack of skilled workers at all levels. Another key point was Marijuana State Safety encouraging lawmakers to make sure that there are perimeters placed on the legalization. Expansion of STEM and Healthcare State Initiatives encouraging tax credits for aerospace and automotive engineers along with employers to assist in attracting and retaining a qualified workforce. Fund Centers for State Workforce Excellence for new business and resources for them. Continue funding for Oklahoma Works Program by building workforce pathways in K-12, vocational training, higher education to support local and regional needs.
Lieutenant Matt Pinnell – spoke about retention of graduates, providing more better jobs so that they would want to stay.
Governor Frank Stitt- Spoke about improving education and beginning to move to other energy sources such as Windmill or Hydro Energy.
Chad Owens State Chamber of Commerce- spoke one tax competitiveness, with thoughts on suspending local taxes (Sales Tax HB2285) to bring more business to Oklahoma.
Brian Walter Tulsa Technology- spoke about disciplines in the classrooms and stated trades should be offered more in lieu of College, Higher teacher pay with bonuses for teachers that excel (Teacher of the Year Tracey Manuel), teacher quality improvement by increase the requirements of education for teachers, Education/Career Tech Reforms, modeling states in which the education is higher, what is working?
And lastly, treating students as individuals and discipline in classrooms
Tulsa Job Corps is Community Involvement!!!!!