During the weeks of October 17th and October 24th, Tongue Point Job Corps Certified Medical Assisting (CMA) students working with the Astoria Lions Club helped the Seaside School District and Astoria School District conduct hearing and vision screenings at their various schools.
Students used the Lions’ equipment to screen students for eye problems. If a student is found to have a problem in their screenings, they are recommended to follow up with an eye doctor for a full exam. This is a service Tongue Point Job Corps Certified Medical Assisting students have been providing help with for years. On average they were screening 400-600 students per day. CMA student, Kimberly Tolentino stated: “I was able to help some Spanish speaking children by translating what was going to happen and relieve their fears. It was really good to work together as a clinic type of team.”
The hearing screenings are done with the collaboration of several local schools that loan their audiometers to one school so the screenings can be provided with expedience. Then the equipment is sent to the next school and so on until all schools have completed their screenings. Again, they were screening 400-600 students per day.
For each event 6 to 10 Certified Medical Assisting students were invited to participate depending on the screening and location.
It is a great opportunity for Tongue Point Job Corps students to learn and use new equipment, engage with the community, and apply their soft skills when dealing with various age ranges. CMA student, Brittany Strevy said, “I appreciate the experience and the opportunity to work with children, using my leadership and communication skills to be the calming influence many children needed.”

Tongue Point Job Corps Certified Medical Assisting (CMA) Work With Local School Districts