Some of the Tongue Point Job Corps Center students and staff who volunteered a total of 2,484 hours at VOCA (Victory over child abuse) camps.
25 students and 15 staff from Tongue Point Job Corps Center supported The Healing Circle as they conducted their 24th annual VOCA camps. VOCA, which means Victory Over Child Abuse, was created in Clatsop County, Oregon, to meet the special needs of sexually abused kids. There are two 3 day camps, one for boys and a one for girls. VOCA Camp is similar to a traditional camp experience; fishing, canoeing, creating crafts and campfires.
However, what is different about VOCA camp is that each child is given their own “Buddie”. During camp each child is able to create a trusting relationship with a safe adult. They work together in cabin groups to create a safe family atmosphere and join together every day with the rest of the camp for activities such as morning circle and meal times – giving the children a sense of a safe community.
Tongue Point Job Corps Center has supported volunteering for VOCA for more than ten years. Starting in August, each volunteer attends 30 hours of training (evenings and weekends) just to qualify and prepare.
When all was said and done, Tongue Point Job Corps Center students and staff contributed 2,484 hours of volunteer time supporting VOCA this year. Some helped set up camp; others cleaned and packed up. Between the setting up and packing up, they also worked as lifeguards, helped as craft room specialists, assisted as kitchen staff and were matched to children as Buddies.
“Having grown up attending VOCA camp and needing a Buddie, it has been very rewarding for me to ‘pay back’ by being a Buddie,” comments Jeannie Leonard-Waller, Tongue Point’s Student Government President. Jeannie is also a member of the VOCA core group, along with Jennifer Berg who is Tongue Point’s Career Technical Training Manager.
In addition, the Student Government Association, through sales of doughnuts and bagels, collected $873 which was contributed to VOCA – as the organization selected semi annually to receive students’ financial support.
VOCA has been honored by two Oregon Governors and recognized in the United States Congressional Record.
Some childhood wishes are simple: Safety