One of Tongue Point Job Corps Center’s green projects, funded through ARRA monies, is the construction of a 4 kW on-line power generating station using a 3 kW wind turbine and 1 kW solar panel array. Students in the Carpentry, Cement, Electrical, Painting and Welding trades participated in various aspects of the project – from building and painting the monitor station, to pouring footings, to constructing, wiring, and erecting the equipment.
This week, Mark Chambers with Sun Light Solar of Bend, Oregon, and Robert Preus with Advanced Renewable Technology and Xzeres Wind Corporation presented three days of training for Electrical and Welding students. The training included state of the art wind and solar power generation, and the event was completed with the commissioning of a 3 kW wind turbine and 1 kW photovoltaic solar array.
This equipment will furnish some power to the grid; but, more importantly, it will provide future students a training lab in green technology.