February 26, 2012 - On a wintery Sunday morning Students of Loring Job Corps Center had the opportunity to assist Cary Medical Center, Caribou Chambers of Commerce and Caribou Lions Club for a full day of fun and snow competitions. Cary Medical Center hosted...
Loring Job Corps students interned at Maine Capital with Secretary of State, Charles E. Summers in Augusta
On February 29th- March 1st, 2012 a total of ten students from Loring Job Corps Center had an outstanding opportunity to intern with Secretary of State, Charles E. Summers and LJCC Honor/Color Guard posted colors at the Senate of Maine as well. We had students...
Loring Job Corps Center hosted first Community Relations Council Meeting for 2012
On February 23, 2012, Loring Job Corps had it's first Community Relations Council meeting for 2012. The center's vision and updates of the LJCC performance was presented by Center Director, Kristie Moir. The Business Community Liaison/Worked Based Learning...
Loring Job Corps Students learn different trades through Job Shadowing
An article was written, edited and printed by our own CISCO Academy student Heriberto Rivera in the Aroostook Republican News on February 8, 2012 weekly edition with the assistance and encouragement of reporter Natalie Bazinet. Heriberto visited and interviewed 6 LJCC...
Central Aroostook Businesses help Educate Loring Job Corps Center Students
On the front page of the Business Section of Aroostook Republican weekly Newspaper 02/01/2012 edition, a colored photo of LJCC auto students are featured with them welding at Caribou Public works for the City of Caribou. The article went on to state "Job Corps...
Loring Job Corps Student goes live on air with WAGM News Channel 8!
Shawn Campbell a CISCO Academy student at Loring Job Corps Center had the opportunity for an internship at WAGM News Channel 8. He had the opportunity to do an interview for LJCC and then he was shown how to edit his own footage. With the assistance of Laura Thomas,...
Loring Job Corps Center has over 80 students shadow with local partners in businesses and Congressional Offices for Ground Hog Shadow days
Students from all vocations of the LJCC are off into the Aroostook workforce this week, participating in the annual Ground Hog Shadow Days program. "Job Corps understands the importance of making te connection between center classrooms and employer workplaces, Ground...
Let’s Move 1st annual kick-off with support of Loring Job Corps students and community held in Caribou, Maine
The First Annual Let’s Move Kick-Off for the City of Caribou took place at the Caribou Wellness/Recreation Center. Many booths and displays from Pines, Healthy You, Caribou Recreation, Caribou Shop and Save, Caribou Chamber/Commerce, Healthy Aroostook and other...
City of Caribou, first city in Aroostook County to join Let’s Move Initiative efforts to fight obesity!
The Let’s Move Task Force made a presentation to the 1st City of Aroostook County, Caribou, ME that joined the initiative of joining as City/Town mentors and leaders to make an impact! The Power-Point and overview of the 1st annual kickoff of Let’s Move took place on...
Maine Secretary of State Visits Loring Job Corps Center along with Maine Department of Motor Vehicle representation
On the morning of January 19th one of our coldest days this winter, the Secretary of State, Charles E. Summers, Jr. charisma and welcomed visit to LJCC reached out to many students and staff for their multitude accomplishments and continued successes for our center....
Masonry Students at Loring Job Corps Center shop for needy children for the upcoming holidays.
Loring Job Corps Masonry Students with the assistance of their Masonry instructor, David Tardie bought holiday gifts for local needy children. By using the arts of their vocation the masonry/cement students created beautiful colored birdbaths and benches that were...
Loring Job Corps Center Host 11th Annual “Evening with the North Stars” to thank our supporters
In December 1, 2011, the LJCC Center Industry Council (CIC), Community Relations Council (CRC), Work Based Learning partnership and our Congressional and local business supporters attended Loring Job Corps 11th annual “Evening with the North Stars” on Thursday...
Women’s Unlimited offers classes and attends Loring Job Corps Center for training opportunities for our students.
During the week of Novembner 28 to December 1, 2011 at Loring Job Corps Center, “Women’s Unlimited” offered industry approved classes and state certification for Introduction to Hand & Power Tools and Introduction to Blue Print Reading both 2 day classes . The...
Holiday Cheer brought to area children from Loring Job Corps Center student volunteers
On the evening of December 2, the Caribou Recreation/Wellness Center and the Caribou Chamber hosted their annual Tree Lighting and Gingerbread House making event that also included decorating gingerbread cookies and visiting Mr. & Mrs. Claus. Over 1000...
Heavy Trucking/CDL Licensed(Class A) student from Loring Job Corps takes on new job in Limestone, Maine.
One of our recent students Robert Lenihan dropped by during his lunch break to keep us posted on his new position at Trombley Industries located Limestone, ME. As a Class-A Commercial driver for the business, he has been busy hauling and driving the dump truck at the...
Masonry Student at Loring Job Corps Center complete sidewalk project.
As of today the sidewalk project which began in August at our center has been completed by our Masonry students and their instructor, David Tardie. This was a very rigorous project that involved raising the concrete above grade, making the sidewalks wider from 4’ to...
HBI Carpentry Students at Loring Job Corps Center build sheds for auctions and bird blind for U.S. Fisheries and Wildlife for Community Service projects
The HBI Carpentry students and their instructor, Mark Brewer, completed two, 8 x 12 storage sheds that have been be donated (one to Limestone Rotary and one to Presque Isle Youth Hockey Assoc.) for the endeavors of non-profit fundraisers. They are also in the...
Loring Job Corps Defenders post colors for Northern Maine Veterans Ceremony
LJCC Honor Guard Defenders unit participated in the Maine’s Veterans Ceremony November 11, 2011 at the Northern Maine Veterans Cemetery located in Caribou, Maine by posting colors. The event was cold and windy but our LJCC Color Guard students did not show any signs...
Local Paper, Aroostook Republican featured Loring Job Corps Center Commencement Day.
The article from The Aroostook Republican dated September 21, 2011, "Commencement in sight for Loring Job Corps students" mentioned that Loring Job Corps Center had a crowd of over 350 students, staff and invited guest to celebrate the 1st annual National Jobs Corps...
Loring Job Corps Center New York students featured in local newspaper recall of 911
With the 10th anniversary of the tragic 911 approaching, the Aroostook Republican News came to Loring Job Center to interview students that are residents of New York that agreed to share their stories of that day. The ages of the students at the time of the event were...