ALBANY, GA. -- Turner Job Corps held a commencement ceremony Friday afternoon sending hundreds of students into the world. “I am Maria Orta and I stand before you today as a single mother, a graduate of Turner Job Corps and a current student of Albany Technical...
Bishop to join Turner Job Corps on National Commencement Day
The Turner Job Corps Center will join the 125 Job Corps centers across the country to celebrate the second annual "National Job Corps Commencement Day" ceremony August 24th. This year's Commencement speaker will be Congressman Sanford Bishop, Jr. Recent Job Corps...
Albany Has A New Way to Welcome Visitors
(WALB Channel 10 News) ALBANY, GA - The city unveiled one of four new "Welcome to Albany" signs Tuesday. The project cost more than $750,000 but the city didn't have to pay for all of it. And city leaders insist the money they did spend was well worth it. City Leaders...
Turner Jobs Corps assisting with Downtown projects
(FOX 31 News) ALBANY, GA -- The Albany Dougherty Inner City Authority (ADICA) is working on numerous projects, and instead of paying for a contractor they are giving the experience to local students hoping to increase the skills of future local employees. Turner Jobs...
Turner Job Corps Center Makes A Move!!!
ALBANY, GA -- Music Star Beyonce partnered with First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Initiative in May to create a Flash Workout video. Turner Job Corps – along with other Job Corps around the nation – are embracing the concept. “I want to be a great example for...