St. Louis Student Government Association President meets with the City of Saint Louis Agency for Training and Employment Youth Council.
Tags: SGA | St. Louis Job Corps Center

St. Louis Student Government Association President meets with the City of Saint Louis Agency for Training and Employment Youth Council.

St. Louis Student Government Association President meets with the City of Saint Louis Agency for Training and Employment Youth Council.

Danicia Dukes, President of the St. Louis Student Government Association attended the St. Louis City’s  WIA mandated Youth Council on November 16 to discuss the role of the St. Louis Job Corps in the development of youth services.   There are currently over 600 Youth Councils across the nation established by the Workforce Investment ACT (WIA).   These organizations are made up of local employers, WIA service providers, and community representatives interested in identifying community opportunities and education programs connecting our youth with career training and development.  “It is good to see that the community is partnering with the St.  Louis Job Corps in a common mission to help us become a part of the workforce”, Danicia said after meeting with Ray Creely, the Youth Council Chairman,   “I see a common goal and mission, I see hope for the future generations.”  The St. Louis Job Corps Center encourages our Student Government to get involved and promote our program to the community being members of the Youth Council helps us develop the partnerships needed for success.

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