Springdale Job Corps offers Green Technology.
In the rush to become green, Springdale Job Corps has taken a huge leap forward and embraced cutting edge technology in the Auto Body Collision Repair and Refinishing training program. Springdale JCC was recently awarded a grant from the Department of Labor to install a waterborne paint system, well ahead of the state mandate for collision shops to switch from solvent to waterborne paints by 2012.
In addition to the advantage of keeping harmful solvents out of the environment, waterborne paint has exceptional color match capability and quicker dry times. This means a shorter turnaround time for a car to be returned to the customer – a win-win situation for the customer and the environment.
The paint/refinishing instructor has been trained and is busy teaching students the fine art of spraying waterborne paint. Springdale JCC is excited to be one of the first training programs in the area to add this green technology and hope it will bring an added advantage to students eager for job placement.