Springdale JCC Elects New Student Government

Springdale JCC Elects New Student Government

Springdale JCC students elected a new team to be their voice with staff at meetings and to guide center culture. Patrick McFarland, Recreation Supervisor, made sure the candidates each gave a stump speech so students could hear directly from them what they brought to office.

“The students who ran for SGA took it very seriously,” he said. “They talked about their experience and what they brought to the positions they were running for.”

Students listened to the speeches and then cast their votes for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The students elected were Maria Hernandez, Samantha Fast Buffalo Horse, Nathan May, and Sarah Kane, respectively. Center Director Naomi Ulsted meets with SGA each week to hear about any concerns students have, to discuss the possibility of new events, and to learn what SGA’s focus will be for the six months of their tenure.

Patrick continued. “Their first decision was to replace furniture in the library with sturdier pieces. This way students can use the space and we know it will be safe for them.”

In addition to being the voice of the students, SGA is in charge of planning events like the upcoming Halloween dance, making sure students who need winter coats are directed on where to get them, and attending the weekly Managers Meeting to give updates to staff about what is happening on center with students. This is also an opportunity for them to get information they can relay to students during dorm meetings.

“The SGA is an integral part of our culture at Springdale,” said Naomi. “Students know that if they have concerns or questions, they can approach the SGA and it will be heard by staff.”