On a recent autumn evening, Sierra Nevada Job Corps student Brian Warren and two of his friends were walking near the Western Village Casino in Sparks. An elderly homeless man came by, asking those around if they had any change they could spare. Brian gave him $4 and the man went on his way. All of a sudden, two men appeared and began harassing the homeless man. They assaulted and robbed him, took his watch, and ran.
Brian and his two friends leapt into action. One called the police, the other checked on the man, and Brian ran after the two assailants. After catching up to them and cornering them, Brian gave the two men one choice – to give the man’s watch back. One of Brian’s friends then appeared and the two men were forced to give the watch back.
This incredible story of three youth who cared enough about a fellow citizen to take action, was shared at the Sparks Police Department’s Annual Awards Ceremony on December 15. The three friends were recognized during the ceremony and received citizen’s awards for the efforts. They were nominated for the awards by Sergeant Scott Tracy, who heard of their good deeds and felt they went above and beyond to help someone in extreme need. Student Brian Warren proudly accepted his award during the ceremony and said afterwards, “What they did was just wrong. What kind of person picks on an old man and steals from someone who’s homeless?” Following the ceremony, Brian was personally congratulated by Sergeant Tracy and other officers, who said his actios were truly unusual and also impressive.
A resident of northern Nevada, Brian hopes to turn his interest in protective services into a career that benefits his community by training in Homeland Security at the center. He continues to give back to the community by participating in center volunteer and community service events.