Student Designs, paints mural to enliven Culinary Arts Dining Room at San Jose Job Corps
Tags: San Jose Job Corps Center

Student Designs, paints mural to enliven Culinary Arts Dining Room at San Jose Job Corps

The walls of the Patio Room, the dining area for the Culinary Arts program at the San Jose Job Corps Center were a blaze’ beige and contributed nothing to fine dining ambience so when new student Chyna Cunningham commented to Chef Evan Branning, Culinary Arts Instructor about the drabness of the décor, he challenged her to do something to resolve the matter.  “You’re an artist, why don’t you come up with a plan and design, I will seek approval for you to decorate the wall with a mural.”

Accepting the challenge, Cunningham began the design process by surfing the net “to get my inspiration and motivation”.  Incorporating fruits and vegetables as a reflection of the Culinary Trade, she began designing the drawing and submitted it for approval.

“Trying to get the mural on the wall was a big challenge. I didn’t want to do it freehand because I was not used to working on anything that big,” Cunningham explained. She used a laptop and projector to sketch out her vision on the wall so she could trace it and paint “between the lines.”  Chyna  didn’t anticipate the images would be so small and after much contemplation and input from Chef Branning, she divided the wall into six parts making it easier to transfer the images. Another challenge she encountered was “what to do with the white space” and with the help of her student colleagues decided a brick frame would balance the mural.

Chyna’’s project was unveiled in June 2011 to rave reviews.  The drab décor was enlivened by the addition of the colorful collage that sprang forth from Chyna’s imagination.  Her artistic contribution will definitely enhance the training experience for students and the dining experience for the guests they serve.      

Chyna Cunningham came to the San Jose Job Corps in August 2009.  She completed two Career Technical Trades, Small Business and Culinary Arts and graduated  the program in June 2011.  In addition to working, Chyna is considering painting French Doors on another wall of the Patio Room.

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