SJJCC Student excels and is awarded Kiwanis Turnaround Scholarship to further her education!
Tags: San Jose Job Corps Center

SJJCC Student excels and is awarded Kiwanis Turnaround Scholarship to further her education!

Yi Shen Huang is an immigrant from China who was recently awarded a scholarship to continue her education through the Kiwanis Club of East San Jose.

When she heard the news, Yi Shen said:  “I never dreamed I would ever graduate from high school.  I wasn’t able to attend High School in China for the crucial reason that there one has to meet rigorous criteria to be eligible to attend High School, including receiving a high score on the final test in Middle School.”

“Since joining Job Corps, I have obtained my High School Diploma, completed the Office Administration trade and Accounting classes, and am currently enrolled in the Dental Assistant Program.  When I graduate from Job Corps, I plan to go to De Anza College for general education and then complete dental school at UCSF.”

“I am grateful to the United States, Job Corps and the Kiwanis Club of East San Jose for giving me opportunities I would not have had in China and for supporting me while I pursue my dream of becoming a dentist.”

About the Kiwanis Turnaround Scholarship:

The Kiwanis Turnaround Scholarship was established by the Kiwanis Club of East San Jose 44 years ago to celebrate the positive potential of young people. 

Too often we hear about teenagers getting into trouble, dropping out of school, becoming involved with drugs, crime, gangs or becoming parents too soon.  Rarely recognized, however, are the many young people who do well despite facing such problems as poverty, violence, homelessness, family breakups, or substance abuse that stand in the way of even the smallest achievements in their lives.

This Turnaround Scholarship is intended to recognize and assist those youth have overcome these barriers and typically won’t access other scholarships to continue their dreams for obtaining a college education.

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