San Jose Job Corps Center Co-sponsors “National Night Out” in our East San Jose Neighborhood
Tags: San Jose Job Corps Center

San Jose Job Corps Center Co-sponsors “National Night Out” in our East San Jose Neighborhood

San Jose Job Corps Center helped sponsor “National Night Out” in our East San Jose Neighborhood

On August 2, 2011, over 50 students and staff of the San Jose Job Corps Center participated in the planning and execution of this year’s National Night Out event at Fleming Park in East San Jose.

District 5 City Council Member, Xavier Campos, District 5 Board of Supervisors George Shirakawa,  firefighters, police officers, education administrators, local business and neighbors joined together to enjoy meeting each other and camaraderie through food, games and activities.

The Center donated 400 hotdogs and hamburgers which our Culinary Arts trade prepared and served by  to our neighbors.  Additionally the Center provided entertainment through a community drum circle and hosted healthy active games for both young and old at the event.

Our Center Director, partners and neighbors had this to say about the event:

Leslie Gilroy, Center Director said “It was so nice to see neighbors come together for such a great night! I was so proud of the students and staff. They gave their time to help bring this event together. I have to say I also enjoyed myself and was able to get to know more of our neighbors and partners in the community. Great job everyone! I can’t wait for next year.”

 “Thanks for all the kudos, it was definitely a team effort. The great thing about the team that puts together National Night Out is we are just a group of neighbors that got together to put this event together. There is no chair or titles of any sort. The core team is Julie Ramirez, Queta Hererra, Kim Rocha, Lily Tenes, Penny Pollock, Kathy Rich and Darlene Tenes.”

“Special kudos to the staff and kids at San Jose Job Corps. Our hard-working neighbors brought their culinary students out to feed hundreds of people hamburgers and hot dogs, The cadet program greeted neighbors to the park, Health and Wellness team facilitated the drum circle and activities, and others helped to decorate and then clean our pretty lil’ park.”

“I think we doubled size of turnout from last year’s Alum Rock NNO and Job Corps knocked it out of the park last night.  Great kids and great organization.”

 “What a fun event we had on Tuesday evening! Ray and I really enjoyed ourselves at Fleming Park and we met several “new” neighbors! Wasn’t it great to have the Job Corps kids helping out? They did a great job. The drum circle was going strong when we left.”

National Night Out is designed to heighten drug and crime prevention, generate support for, and participation in local anti-crime efforts. Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police and community partnerships. Send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.



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