San Diego Job Corps’ Newest SIATech Graduates
Tags: San Diego Job Corps Center

San Diego Job Corps’ Newest SIATech Graduates

“Our staff is very proud of our graduates,” stated Sally Cohenour, Principal for the School for Integrated Academics and Technologies (SIATech), located at the San Diego Job Corps Center. SIATech, a public charter high school is located at 15 Job Corps Centers in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Florida, and Arkansas.  60 Job Corps students received their SIATech Diplomas at the semi-annual graduation held at the Mendoza Elementary School in Imperial Beach, CA on August 17, 2012.

“All of the graduates worked hard to earn their diplomas and complete their Career Technical Training program,” Cohenour advised.  “For the second year several graduates were designated Graduates of Distinction and Graduates of Excellence for their good citizenship, community service, leadership achievements, and outstanding performance in both their academic and career technical training while enrolled at Job Corps. Many will continue advanced training at other Job Corps centers, enroll in college, or begin working in their new careers.”

Adrian Evans and Brooks Terry were selected to address their classmates the families, friends, and staff members who attended the graduation ceremony.  “We have finally come to our moment for the future,” stated Adrian Evans.  “There have been times where we wanted to say, “This is too much, I can’t do this.  But, there were always people to help us through, whether it was our teachers, friends, religion, and/or family members.  Those people, “Evans advised, “helped us change “I can’t” into “I can!”

Terry spoke of her fellow classmates’ “ups and downs, the good and the bad, and the constant struggle” to earn their high school diplomas.  “But now, as we sit here, we can all say it was definitely worth it.  Graduates from here on out we can raise our heads high,” she stated.  “We can face any obstacle that comes our way.”

California Assemblymember Ben Hueso, representing California’s 79th Assembly District was the graduation’s Keynote Speaker.  In congratulating the students for their accomplishments, Hueso advised the graduates to not let themselves be defined by their circumstances, or where they came from.  “Define yourself by what you do with those circumstances,” he stated.

Assemblyman Hueso talked about the importance of an educated citizenry to the fabric of democracy, and advised the graduates that “your vote is very important to your life and for the country. Hueso stated that, “an education is the most important thing you can do for yourself. Education is freedom in so many ways. It gives you choices in life. The more education you pursue,” he added, “the more options open for you.”