Imperial Beach Business Employs San Diego Job Corps Graduate
Tags: San Diego Job Corps Center

Imperial Beach Business Employs San Diego Job Corps Graduate

“Felicia was an excellent student while enrolled at Job Corps,” advised San Diego Job Corps’ Career Transition Specialist Ann McPherson.  “She was highly motivated and focused, and it’s great to see how well she is doing since graduation.”

Ms. McPherson’s appraisal of Felicia was shared by local businessman, Russell Smith, owner of the Dollar $tore, located on Palm Avenue in Imperial Beach.  “I started my business 10 months ago and Felicia began working for me the day I opened,” Mr. Smith stated.  “She is hardworking, reliable, honest, and I have complete trust in her.  Job Corps prepared her well for the demands of the workplace.”

Twenty year old Felica Geerman graduated from San Diego Job Corps’ Office Administration Career Technical Training program in April 2010.  She earned both her General Equivalency Diploma and high school diploma while interning in the recreation department and at the center’s reception desk. “Both were good experiences and helped prepare me for my work here,” she stated.  “I also received advanced training in telecommunications at the San Jose Job Corps Center prior to starting work at the Dollar $tore.  The time in San Jose helped improve my office skills, and I also learned about the transportation industry.”

Ms. Geerman said she had heard good things about Job Corps prior to enrolling.  “It was a very positive experience for me,” she stated, and credits her Office Administration instructor Gigi Cochran, Ms. McPherson, and the center staff for her success.  “I recently enrolled at Southwestern College,” she advised.  “Since I enjoy helping people I’m thinking about becoming a teacher.”

“Felicia’s career path is similar to many of our graduates,” Ms. McPherson offered.  “She gained real-world experience by interning on center.  Many of our students intern in businesses throughout the community, and we hope the internship will lead to full-time employment.”  She encouraged potential employers to contact Job Corps’ Business Community Liaison Frank Buttino for employment or internships information. “Our students are well-trained, and ready and eager to work,” Ms. McPherson continued.  “All they need is the opportunity.”